Laws Cannot Compensate for Lack of Education

49.01Question: How should we treat incidents from a human and Kabbalistic point of view? For example, something is happening, or someone is getting beaten. How should we react to this? Is intervening worthwhile?

Answer: Today we have been put in such a framework that people are afraid to interfere in anything. There are even studies on these topics. People pass by, they are afraid to get involved in conflicts: either you will get a knife in your side, or “it is not my business at all” so that they do not drag you through the courts.

We have created for ourselves such conditions of human community where it is impossible to just stand up for someone, even for simple, normal support or compassion. It is impossible to calm people down, it is impossible to break up a fight, because then they will do anything they want to you.

Humanity is very confused! It tries to compensate with laws for what is not filled with education. Men are not men, women are not women.

Look at how much humanity has changed internally and externally in 20 years, what they are becoming in their desires and aspirations, in everyone’s attempt to solve their questions and problems. It is just incredible! There are the scariest mutations! And where we will end up? We have just started this journey!

Comment: But there are old laws where one has to help the other.

My Response: Today they limit you. These are not the former laws of honor, which were clear to everyone, or the laws of chivalry, or the laws of samurai, or the laws of courtiers, which speak about the honor of a woman, justice, etc. If we are talking about a simple civil society, then we have destroyed it all.

No one respects another. There are no smart or stupid, old or young, men or women. There is some kind of unisex where there is no difference, you are afraid to interfere, you do not have any guidelines. You can be dragged through a legal fight just for some little thing! They will make a case out of it and, in general, do anything. There is no public response to this, because everything is corrupt.

Even during the Inquisition, there was relative order. The most ardent executioners and fanatics still behaved according to some canon.

Today it is very difficult for a person to promote some idea or advocate for something. This is natural. The last cry of dying humanity.

Question: Is it right to strive for honor and justice? Did we live correctly before?

Answer: It is impossible to say what is right and what is not because this is the natural development of humanity. There is no escape. If we do not correct egoism, we descend into really ugly forms.

In accordance with this, we continue to drift in the direction where it is generally unclear what awaits us. The same egoism keeps carrying us. We forget all the old forms when it was more or less balanced at the animate level, and now it is already taking mutational forms.

Children leave home, they do not want to work and do not want to study. And you cannot blame them for that! This is also our egoism, which goes through such stages of its mutational development. But this is also development, so to speak, a period of decay.

Solution is only in education.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Fight for Justice” 11/23/13

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