Freedom from the Western Point of View

294.2Question: The West believes that democracy is the best method of interaction between people with freedom, everyone can speak out, etc. Why are they trying to present this system in such a way? Supposedly, America was built on freedom and human rights.

Answer: The fact is that if it becomes unprofitable to keep a slave, he is given freedom. This is just like in the ancient world.

When a slave could provide for himself and his master, the master kept him. When all kinds of mechanisms and devices began to develop, the slave’s labor became not as productive because he was working only under the whip.

I would rather he work not under the lash; therefore, I will give him freedom, but he will give me as much as I need and keep some for himself. He will supposedly have freedom, but I will also receive more from him.

It all comes down to productivity. If it is profitable, the slave is given freedom. How was it done with Africa? When the question arose that slaves should be fed, they gave them freedom and left.

After all, people do not leave countries with such rich resources for nothing. They just do not want to take on the burden. Previously, they pumped everything out of there, but in order to pump it out productively, it was necessary to build and teach.

Question: What is the most optimal regime for human development?

Answer: I do not know what to call it. Most likely, “the last generation.” Maybe it sounds too cool or threatening, but, in general, this is the last egoistic generation, or the transition to an altruistic one. But this is real altruism, not what we mean by it today.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is Democracy?” 10/12/13

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