Crying Is the Manifestation of Egoism

292Question: Crying is one of manifestations of our egoism, its powerlessness to possess something, as well as sympathy for someone. Do you think a person can cry only for himself? Can he cry for others?

Answer: No, no way. Only if he imagines himself in their place or understands that this applies to him. In general, he cannot cry for others in any way. He always has personal experience.

And if his own experience is so close to him that he cannot restrain himself and express his emotions, then he cries. Crying means the inability to react correctly.

Question: As far as I understand, it can even be checked. Let’s say there are a huge number of people who die every moment, something happens to them, but our egoism practically does not react to it in any way. However, if someone close to my egoism dies, then it is clear that I react. Can I check it this way?

Answer: Of course.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 11/6/22

Related Material:
When Men Cry
Crying Over A Heart Of Stone
The Meaning of Spiritual and Physical Tears

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