What Can Spur Us On in Spiritual Work?

514.02It is better for a person engaged in Kabbalah to be in a state where he feels that he is not connected enough with the group. Then he will at least have a clear understanding of what else he needs to do. It is very important. It is better to feel yourself always lagging behind in spiritual work so that it spurs you on.

Imagine a group of good enthusiasts who feel that they are lagging behind, but they have to catch up with someone by all means. They are engaged in some serious development and are limited in time, but they have very big desires. This is very good.

Comment: But a person can fall into deep despair from this.

My Response: Well, let him fall. Do not look for any tricks, maybe you could do this or maybe you can do that. We are talking about the laws of nature. You match them—yes, you do not match them—no.

There is nothing here that you can turn over and somehow wriggle out: “I did it!” You will succeed only when you change yourself according to this level. That is it! Nothing else.

So there is no place for searching for any other ways, “maybe there is something else,” except for clear conditions that we are constantly scrutinizing. And they are the same.

All this only leads a person away, gives him some hope that suddenly he will read something, wriggle out somewhere, jump up somewhere and grab.

There is a group, and there is a connection between friends. You do it—yes, you do not do it—no.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. It’s Better to Be Behind” 7/7/13

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