Kabbalah and the Temptations of Our World

543.02Question: Do you have no fear of suddenly stepping somewhere aside?

Answer: What kind of fear can there be? Fear of what? That something will lure me somewhere? What can attract me?! Give me any people, even the smartest, or give me any other method in the world. And then what? Would that attract me? Will any religion or mysticism fool me?! What can tempt me in this world?

Comment: But you once said that temptations are waiting for us at every step.

My Response: True, but you do not have to go anywhere for this, they will be given to you in any condition.

Comment: I mean the danger of straying if you suddenly have some needs that distract you.

My Response: Which ones? Watch a movie, go to the opera, take a walk in nature, see a beautiful city? I have seen it all, I have been everywhere.

I visit many places, enjoy them, admire them, and understand that this is a creation of human hands, understand how it was made and with what perseverance and thoroughness people worked on it. At the same time I understand what a person invested his work into? Whom did he worship? Who needs his beautiful works? Architecture, culture, art. For whom? What for?

This does not capture me because all this is on a small level of our world, a futile attempt by a person to perpetuate himself and to somehow express himself, I would say, in a rather dead form.

How much work you need to invest at the inanimate level of your development in order to then rise a little to another level!

Today we also erect monuments to various people. In principle, this is the oldest worship of the alleged immortality of man.
This is idol worshiping because we cannot be connected with the spirit of man. I understand the desire to thank, the desire to elevate, the desire to leave in memory. But in what?! Humanity has nothing else.

I hope that our time will turn us around a bit.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Protect Yourself?” 6/25/13

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