Ten Is a Locator for a Signal from Above

942If I annul myself before the friends, it already indicates that I have faith in the Creator. Therefore, by annulling ourselves before the friends, we can come closer to the Creator. After all, the Creator does not exist without created beings. If we connect, then our connection is called the Creator. We create Him ourselves and work with Him.

The united group is like a radio telescope that captures influence from the higher degree. An ordinary person cannot feel it, but a united ten receives this special, unattainable force from above. This force is revealed inside the ten, which acts like a radar, a satellite dish, that detects this upper quality.

Without such a group, we will not be able to reach the revelation of the Creator. Only by connecting with each other in a certain way do we create, rotate and adjust this radar dish, our common desire, so as to catch inside it what is called the Creator, that is, “come and see” (Bo-Reh).

The Creator Himself is above our attainment and the only way to reveal Him is to connect with each other and tune ourselves to Him, similar to the way any radio receiver can only receive the incoming wave but not the transmitter itself. Therefore, there is nothing more important than our connection because it leads us to connection with the Creator.

No matter how much I try to adjust my desires alone, in the end I realize that I will not be able to reach connection with the Creator and I need a connection with the friends. After all, only through them will I be able to come to connection with the Creator. I myself am the last Sefira, Malchut, and my friends are the first nine Sefirot, which through this address, the Creator reaches me.

A necessary condition for prayer is to become so integrated into the friends that we feel that within our connection we can receive a message from the Creator. When I catch this message, I want to answer it together with my friends. Through it we can rise and reach real contact with the Creator.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/3/22, “Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)”

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