Inside a Live Communication Network

214Question: In the past when there were no video cameras, everything was just recorded. For example, the recordings you made while listening to Rabash still play their part. And no matter the time, they are still part of the human experience. To what extent did the recordings you made with Rabash play their part?

Answer: In general I made the most of them a long time ago. I have written them many times in books, in various writings posts, and have recounted them in lessons. They have already been everywhere.

In principle there is nothing more to lower from above. There is an infinite amount of sensory and mental information up there, but you cannot bring it down; you have to rise to it. I hope that it will happen this way.

Comment: You have written a lot of materials. Everything that you have given out and still give out, in principle, is also being recorded. It does not matter if it is used or not, but it is recorded.

My Response: It is recorded and gets into the system. I see the consequences of this. What I may say today will pop up somewhere in a few months. And if not in months, then in a few years.

You probably remember how many different interviews I have had with great people, both in America and in Israel, where I tried to convince them that there is a crisis in the world. Two or three years before it happened, I spoke with Nobel laureates in economics and told them a crisis would soon break out. They were surprised: “No crisis. Nothing will happen.” And look what we have now.

Time goes by very quickly. What we are saying today is already entering this network. The network of communication between everyone becomes more alive. Therefore, I think there is great hope that the world will achieve its correction through peaceful means and not by atomic war.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Most Powerful Computer in the World” 10/8/09

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