“Should Iraq Recognize Israel?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Should Iraq recognize Israel?

Faruk, a 14-year-old from Northern Iraq, was dying due to congenital heart disease and doctors in Iraq had already given up hope. Through the connections of an aid organization, doctors in an Israeli hospital ended up operating on him and saving his life. On returning home to Iraq, his father said: “I am saying this from here, from Iraq to Israel. I kiss the eyes of your doctors, one by one. Israeli people are a merciful nation.” Such stories are indeed heartwarming, and raise the question: why can we not normalize the relations between these two countries?

On one hand, such stories touch the hearts of many, but on the other hand, they fail to touch the hearts of leaders. In short, we should not look to leaders for a positive solution, but instead look to tuning ourselves toward positively connecting to each other. Otherwise, we can expect to see our world heading toward greater and greater evil.

We need to understand human nature and the nature of the world. The reason we are “stuck” in a negative tendency toward worsening relations among people, societies and nations is in the hands of the people of Israel. The ball is in our court: we need to reach positive connections among each other first and foremost. It is very difficult because we accumulate within ourselves the entire ego of the world, all of its evil.

Nonetheless, we need to perform a special heart operation on the people of Israel by inviting the positive force dwelling in nature to improve our connections. We do so by becoming an example to all people that we wish to come closer and positively connect. Such is how we can save ourselves from myriad troubles. We need to understand that people hate us only to the extent that we hate each other.

The nations of the world are not evil. Rather, our negative connections project onto them. We are the ones who can bring about correction, since we are the nation who originally reached the state of “love your neighbor as yourself” above our differences, and we need only want to achieve that state again. If we would implement such a correction of our relations to each other, then we would see a major positive response— one of them being the feeling of Muslims not just as our cousins, but as our brothers.

Based on the video “Israeli Doctors Save Iraqi Child’s Life – A Kabbalist’s Response” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

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