The War Of Gog And Magog, Part 2

608.01“I Shall bring You Upon My Land”

Question: In the Book of Prophets, Ezekiel, 38:14-16, it is written: “Therefore, prophesy, O son of man, and say to Gog, So said the Lord God: Surely on that day, when My people dwells securely, you will know. And you will come from your place, from the utmost north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding horses; a great assembly and a mighty army. And you will ascend upon My people Israel like a cloud to cover the earth; at the end of days it will be, and I shall bring you upon My land in order that the nations recognize Me when I am sanctified through you before their eyes, O Gog.”

It turns out that the Creator says: “I shall bring you.” What does it mean?

Answer: The point is that the Creator’s power is above all. It alone rules all other forces in the world, which can be divided into positive and negative, plus and minus, i.e., standing in opposition to each other at any level.

By moving these two opposite forces against each other, the upper force develops them. Only when they are in conflict, at war with each other, can they develop correctly.

And then we can say that there is war between Gog and Magog. In fact, it is going on constantly throughout history, throughout all our development, every second, every moment, but we attribute the war of Gog and Magog to the level when it arises between the main, most majestic forces of nature.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 4/30/21

Related Material:
The War Of Gog And Magog, Part 1
The War Of Gog And Magog: In Or Outside The Soul?
Becoming The Center Of Good

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