The Attainment Called A Cave

276.02Zohar for All, Chayei Sarah, item 105: When Abraham entered the cave for the first time, he saw a light there, the dust was thrown before him, and two graves were revealed to him. Then a man of his form stood up from his grave, and saw Abraham and laughed. With that, Abraham knew that he was destined to be buried there.

Question: What is the book talking about here? What does it mean “Two graves were revealed to him”? Why was there a need to describe all this in such a way?

Answer: How else can it be described? A person sees that by working on himself and acquiring properties of equivalence of form with the Creator he will be able to reach a state where he will transform himself into the property of bestowal and love and his current egoism will become opposite to its present state.

Then he, with all his corrected properties—since nothing uncorrected will remain in him—will fully exist in the upper world. This is what he discovers in the cave.

The Book of Zohar speaks of this allegorically. It speaks about the attainment called a cave.

Question: Does it mean that he saw Adam, from the word “Domeh”(similar), and was happy that he would become like him, similar to the Creator?

Answer: That is right. He attained his root and saw that it is in the common root of all existing ones because Adam is our common spiritual ancestor.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 4/23/21

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The Cave Is Both A Protector And A Guardian

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