How To Overcome Pride?

253Question: How can someone overcome pride? Is there a method?

Answer: Only in the group when you annul yourself with respect to it. You are zero compared to your friends. This is the most correct thing. We cannot annul ourselves before the Creator because we do not see Him and do not feel Him. The easiest way is to do this before the group.

Question: Can pride be manifested in the fact that I think that someone else should change but not me? But in fact, I should change myself, and not, as is customary, change others.

Answer: Yes. But this already is a different level.

The thing is that I feel the world the way I feel it. Therefore, if I am proud of something, it means that I do not look at the world correctly. The correct vision of the world is when I am the lowest, zero, and I have a right to exist only if I aim myself to the upper, to the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 4/22/19

Related Material:
Escape From The Captivity Of Pride
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Rejecting The Present You

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