The Picture Opened By The Book Of Zohar

249.01Question: Is our task to reveal the world that The Book of Zohar gives us?

Answer: We must reveal the higher world of forces, properties, and their relationship with each other. The Book of Zohar gives us such an opportunity.

Everything that we perceive as existing outside is drawn inside us. All kinds of electrochemical parameters, forces, interactions, and reactions paint a picture of the material world in our brain, and we see such a hodgepodge of force. In fact, all this is not the real picture. This is how our brain depicts what it feels inside us.

When we begin to feel the upper world through The Book of Zohar, it shows us exactly those forces that stand before the earthly image and even higher, not all kinds of electrochemical reactions in the brain, but higher ones that control and determine them. This is called the upper world, the highest degree.

What does it give us? The ability to rise above the illusion of our world, above the illusion of the existence of our bodies, above the whole picture, which is drawn as if on the screen. In fact, it does not exist. Like in a cinema, if it were not for the projector, into which the reel is inserted and the film is spinning, there would be no picture.

This is how we live. Some picture is being scrolled for us, and we play in it as if it is real. We interact with it and with each other, so we see each other and we feel all this really exists. And suddenly, through The Book of Zohar, you begin to see that this is all a holographic picture. It doesn’t exist.

There are only forces that painted these pictures for you. You go back to their root, you begin to understand what it was all for, why, for what reason. And as if from this external picture, you begin to rise to its sources: where is it from and why. You ascend to higher realms.

In this case, you do not lose anything. On the contrary, you begin to feel everything that happens more vividly.

This is similar to how people come to me and show me an advertisement they want to make, for example, about Kabbalah. I look: “This is not right, something isn’t working.” And they tell me that there is a picture with eighteen million colors in the computer. But I only catch seven colors of the rainbow and some other shades. Where did eighteen million come from?

In fact, when we rise to the sources that these pictures give in our world, we begin to enrich ourselves billions of times more in all sensations. Vision, hearing, smell, taste, and tactile sensations develop, and each of them becomes a whole world! Therefore, it becomes so rich, and most importantly, eternal, perfect, and determines everything.
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar” # 1

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