Abraham—The Great Reformer

740.02Question: Who taught Abraham? Why did he become such a wise man?

Answer: Abraham is the twentieth in the line of disciples starting from Adam. Adam lived 5,781 years ago and passed on the spiritual method through his disciples through twenty generations until it reached Abraham.

There was nothing special about Abraham except the fact that he found himself in a state where the entire Babylonian people who were comprised of various tribes suddenly felt an explosion of egoism, and people hated each other.

Then Abraham started to investigate this phenomenon and came to the conclusion that it was due to a sharp increase in egoism and that something must be done about it. He revealed the method of correction where it is necessary to build a system of connections above the egoism. He began to call all the Babylonians to this.

Since he was a great priest, some of the Babylonians listened to him and followed him. Later, he took them from Babylon to the land of Israel, but most of the people remained there and later scattered around the world.

Abraham was a great reformer. He gathered a group that sought to reveal the single force of nature in the connection between them, and those in whom this need did not develop, remained in Babylon.
From KabTV’s “Ask the Kabbalist” 3/20/19

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