Leaders Are Born

294.2Question: A boss must be able to control subordinates and the process and results of activities. A leader must also think systematically, see the full picture, not its details. How can you cultivate systems thinking? Is it possible to develop it or is it given by nature?

Answer: Naturally, this is given by nature. There are people who understand and are able to perceive the world as an organic common whole. They want to know how everything is connected.

And there are people for whom this is completely alien because it is not included in their general perception. They like to solve specific tasks. They are more attracted to small but clear things that consist of a certain sequence. They understand it better.

For example, someone manages a project and someone manages their own company or even the state. But that doesn’t make them leaders.

Question: Is being a leader a personal choice?

Answer: No. A person is born with it. Sometimes you can see it even in children in their behavior. A person does not necessarily do well at school, in an institution, or at work, but gradually, over the course of certain circumstances, he becomes a leader.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/11/20

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