Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips About The Family – 5/21/20

560Question: Can a married couple of the same sex provide the right education for children?

Answer: No. A child must have two different people, opposite in their natural attributes.

Question: Is a family with a robot an option? Is there such an option in the near future of humanity?

Answer: I do not think so. That would not be a good family.

Question: Can we say that there are conflicts at the basis of a strong family?

Answer: Sometimes.

Question: Does online connection strengthen the family?

Answer: Not based on today’s Internet, no. I hope it will be the case in the future.

Question: Is there a future for the virtual family?

Answer: A virtual family cannot be the future. A family is not beyond the boundaries of the home.

Question: There is a whole section in family life called “expectation.” What should we expect in a spouse?

Answer: Mutual understanding, mutuality!

Question: Do we need to choose a partner according to the equivalence of attributes, or quite the opposite, the more different people are in their character, the stronger the unity between them is?

Answer: A couple needs to be opposite from each other and they need to understand their oppositeness, that each of them has a mind and the desire to complement each other.

Question: Is it a good idea to build a family today in the first place?

Answer: It is impossible without a family. A family needs to exist for our sake, for the sake of the education of children. A person without a family is not a human being, but half a body.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 5/21/20

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