Why Precisely In Our Time Should We Reveal The Creator?

202.0Question: People have always sought to explore nature. If the Creator is an all-encompassing thought, a field, a single law of nature, then why precisely now should we reveal Him as this law?

Answer: Today we can really investigate the Creator and become similar to Him, or vice versa, to the extent of our similarity to Him.

The final development of egoism gives us this opportunity. In each generation, it was gradually developing and consistently leading us through all states up to the very last one, at the top of the pyramid of human needs.

Question: With a small egoism is it impossible to reveal the Creator, or is it possible but at a very primitive level?

Answer: No, with a small egoism we also expect some attainments, not of the Creator, but of His small, side, external actions.

Question: Does spiritual realization mean revealing the Creator?

Answer: This means not only one’s realization in spirituality, but generally revealing the true world.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/25/20

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