The Laws We Are About To Reveal

laitman_448.1Question: Over the past several hundred years, we have discovered more than 200 physical laws. In addition, there are also social laws that we have invented ourselves: ethics, civil laws, and even religious laws and traditions.

Can we assume that the reason for all our crises and sufferings lies in the fact that we have artificially invented these laws?

Answer: Yes, I absolutely agree.

Question: What does it mean to follow the laws of nature?

Answer: Unfortunately, we do not follow the laws of nature but our egoism, which puts us against nature and does everything to ensure that we destroy it.

Question: So, we have yet to reveal the social laws?

Answer: Of course. These are laws of an integral society in which we are one single whole like all of nature.

We do not separate ourselves from nature, we do not divide it into inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human. We consider it a single global system that exists and develops within itself in absolute interconnection of all its parts. And most importantly, the basic law of this nature is love.

To love means to take into account everyone and everything, to have a kind attitude toward everyone, and realize how much everything that determines my next state will be good for others. I look at nature as an integral system and only care that it is in the best possible condition.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 5/7/20

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