How Do You Treat Criticism Of Kabbalah?

laitman_961.2Question: Should we be aggressive about criticism in relation to the study of Kabbalah?

Answer: Why be aggressive? I don’t do that. I often hear various accusations, insults, and slights against kabbalists and Kabbalah from people. Well, what can you do with a person if they do not understand what you are talking about?

It is necessary to explain. This attitude is given to people by nature, so that you nonetheless gradually, patiently explain the essence of things to them, and by this you correct the world. You are dealing with selfishness that the Creator created. So understand who you’re working with.

I have patience. You can’t go anywhere. So gradually the world will be transformed. That’s why it is given to us.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 4/19/20

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