Above Hatred, With Love

laitman_259.02Question: What determines the pace of our advancement in the Kabbalah? Do we have to know what the pace is and to feel how we advance?

Answer: The closer we get to each other and build the connection between us above the separating egoistic forces, the faster we will advance. The egoism in us will continue to grow, divide, and distance us from each other, and we must draw the upper light and, in this light, build the connection between us above our egoism, with the property of bestowal.

It turns out that we will be in a field of hatred below, and above—in a field of connection and love. These two opposite fields will create the intensity of the revelation of the Creator in us.

We must get closer to the state where we build two systems, two fields, two planes.

In the lower plane, are our egoistic relations and desires and everything that belongs to the repulsion we feel from each other, while on the upper plane, we develop our relations differently: in the form of love and yearning for each other.

Between these two planes, by placing them correctly one above the other, we begin to reveal their common source between them, the Creator.

This is what we must do. We are now approaching it.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 12/22/20

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