My Thoughts On Twitter, 4/8/18

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

Trade wars pose a threat to the world.
Countries develop toward proximity, but the growing #ego separates them.
Therefore, #Kabbalah advises that the only right path is to correct the ego so they will interact as parts of a single body.
#TradeWar #Ego #crisisaverted

Dissolve in streams of thoughts
At the lesson
And soar in them, like a bird.

What is #good, and what is #evil?
For others’ sake is good, and for your sake is evil.
Now you’ve found the spiritual compass.

Blood stops still
In anticipation
Of a world of changes

The final form determines the original one
This means everything is inside me…
And is perfect for attaining the goal

The world in front of you is you
The world inside of you is the Creator
Combine the worlds.

A warm cloud envelops me
It’s the Creator embracing me
Not concealing His love

Always in anticipation,
Holding my breath
It’s about to happen…

Finish my poem for me
However you wish!
I will gratefully accept it

Thoughts fly by like the wind
Feelings pass by like waves
And I am like a cliff…

Fillings by the Light are tastes (Taamim)
Outpours of the Light are reminiscences (Nekudot)
Anticipation of the Light is birth (Leida)

The heart whispers a prayer
But the mind makes it wither
To my dismay

Bow down your pride
If G-d will permit you
To bow down before Him

My article, “The Future of Jobs: Working on Being Human” on #BIEN Basic Income Earth Network is trending on #REDDIT #UBI #futureofwork

Like the heart valve lets blood pass
So my screen lets in the Light.
But the pressure increases…

For creatures, start and end are preset
But who will get there first:
Me or the Creator?

Suffering is absence of the Creator,
The connection between us –
Fill the whole world with Him.

Erev Rav (the mixed crowd) chases those fleeing Egypt…
These are those who leave & those who attack.
When they come to their senses, they will be corrected, but after everyone else.

The #heart whispers a #prayer
But the mind makes it wither
To my dismay

Bow down your pride
If #God will permit you
To bow down before Him
#quotesoftheday #Wisdom

All #problems come from the Creator.
All problems are solved by coming closer to Him.
#Spiritualwork_ML #Kabbalah

PART I: Those wishing to walk the path of the Creator always see that they are mistaken and evildoers. They cry out to the Creator to bring them out of evil, as when coming out of Egypt. (Rabash. The Creator’s face is for evildoers)

A person with a point in the heart
Has one mission:
To create Adam and the Creator out of others

How do you look inside yourself?
Look at the friends and feel your reaction.
This is called “looking inside yourself”

The next moment,
I live in the present

This broken #world gives #joy
As it moves toward #change
The hour is close.

Who should I thank more:
The Creator for the group
Or the group for the Creator?

Pride dries up over the years
In order to humbly
Reach equivalence with the Creator.

The world has competed its EGOISTIC path
What’s next: the path of light or suffering?
Depends on me… How scary!

So delightful are the moments
Of contact with the Creator–
All of my sources are in You…

I implore you to check
If I am on the right path?

Our mission is to unite and by doing so, allow the spreading of that heightened unified #consciousness to spread to humanity as a whole. #Israel

Atop a board for many years
Bowing my head before the waves
I want to be like Rabbi Akiva …

Two angers have grabbed hold of me
A good one and an evil one —
Fighting for possession of me …
From Twitter, 4/8/18

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My Thoughts On Twitter, 4/7/18
My Thoughts On Twitter, 4/5/18
My Thoughts On Twitter, 4/4/18

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