Answers To Your Questions, Part 196

laitman_560Question: If I ever attain spirituality in this world, in this incarnation, will I feel spirituality in my subsequent corporeal incarnations? Or will I feel my body as a temporary shirt and have the opportunity to use it properly and correctly? Or will I need to begin everything from the start, from complete disconnection from spirituality?

Answer: If you haven’t finished your way, you will quickly continue it.

Question: Is it true that all of my feelings, all of my thoughts, and all of the situations and circumstances in my life (with all the details that exist in them) come only from the Creator, purposefully, only to bring me closer to Him?

Answer: Yes, even if you disagree with this!

Question: What is the maximum number of years left for our world to exist? Please tell me how many years maximally we will continue to live in this world from this moment on?

Answer: It will be as many as the world requires for its full completion of correction!

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Answers To Your Questions, Part 193

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