Everything For Spiritual Ascent

laitman_236_02Torah, Deuteronomy 12:29 – 12:30: When the Lord, your God cuts off the nations to which you will come to drive them out from before you, and when you drive them out and dwell in their land, beware, lest you be attracted after them, after they are exterminated from before you; and lest you inquire about their gods, saying, “How did these nations serve their gods? And I will do likewise.”

Nations are the internal qualities of a person. When he enters the land of Israel, he reveals terrible problems —his evil qualities called the nations of the world that pull him apart. Therefore, he should be very careful. On the one hand, a new level of attainment is revealed to him, but on the other hand, at the same time, it is the level of a curse.

As it is written, “I give you elevation and descent, either rise or fall, either blessing or curse.” All this runs in parallel because you can’t climb the spiritual degrees if you don’t discover terrible, unpleasant, vast egoistic layers within you and correct them. The ascent is built exactly on their correction.

A person that advances in the attainment of the spiritual world must rejoice that his egoism is growing and he is feeling he becomes worse. He loses the desire for spiritual elevation. He doesn’t want anything and becomes harder and rougher with others. All sorts of problems appear in his life. He sees the entire world, including himself as ugly and can’t do anything about it.

It reveals an egoistic level internally on himself and externally on everything else, up to the Creator. This is the egoism that has become much bigger than before the entrance into the egoistic level called the land of Israel. Now, on this level, a person will have to work seriously on himself.

The most important thing for him is to realize that all the falls, adversity, problems, and assaults from everywhere are required for his spiritual elevation. Suddenly, he is blamed for something, subjected to all kinds of claims from the surrounding society, pouring out his dislike, hatred, and disrespect. All this seriously hurts him, gives blows to his “I.”

Moreover, the problems also come from his family: wife, children, friends, and relatives.

Therefore, the most important thing is to understand that the Creator does all this, who out of love for us, He sends us adversities, wishing to attract us to Him. And we must learn to “kiss the stick.”

When it goes over our flesh, we can’t do anything. But later a person begins to think, to compare one with the other, to slowly come to understanding, and to make a small step forward. And so he moves in small steps. Every time the revelation of evil indicates that there is a rise ahead.

Question: Can you justify what is happening at this point?

Answer: No way! It is written, “There is no righteous man on earth who has done good and did not sin first.” The Creator prepared all the sins in advance and is only revealing them to us.

From the feelings inside “transgressions,” you realize that it is your whole world and you are in it, so you can’t see them from the side. People can talk beautifully about it, but when they get into such states they become absolutely complete participants and it is impossible to say anything to them.

By sinking into so-called sins, we can’t do anything, we don’t have any freewill in this.

The freewill is only in creating such an environment, such an atmosphere, that, despite the fall, would help us with its illumination from the distance to rise quicker and to start the spiritual ascent.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/13/16

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