World Economic Forecast

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (M. Khazin):During 2014 the US GDP growth was disclosed; however, it was exaggerated.

“In order for an economic growth to be steady and long term, it is necessary for the end-product demand (demand of households) to begin to increase. However, such expenditures continue to decline.

“All hopes to stop the crisis are in vain, and in 2015 the US stock market bubble will collapse. The crisis will begin just like in September 2008, with a sharp drop in stock data feeds, and the stability of the banking system will become questionable, and whose assets will depreciate sharply, while liabilities (obligations) will remain.

“Further options:

  1. ISIL will bring down the Saudi regime and will begin a joint ‘Sunni campaign’ against Israel. A blow to households, the real sector, and the role of the dollar will rise sharply. The US will enter into a state of social and political chaos.
  2. The US and the entire world banking system will go bankrupt, and there will be no help from anywhere.
  3. The financial elite will start a mass emission of the dollar in order to save the financial system. The main consequence for the economy will be the ruin of enterprises.

“The destruction of the WTO will deliver a blow to the EU, China, Japan and Korea that sell many high-tech products in the US. Today, pro-American elitists are in power in these countries. The destruction of the main source of income associated with the US and the dollar will cause devastating inter-elite disassembly.

“Counter-elitists, rushing into office, will focus on national independence that will extend to nationalism and anti-Americanism. These processes will define the course of events more so than the actual economic crisis.

“The financial elite cannot accept the responsibility for the crisis, so it will create a “force majeure” by using Islam in the developed countries and the Middle East.

“There are three approaches to the world order: satisfactory, somewhat satisfactory (needing reform), and unsatisfactory (must be completely destroyed). Political Islam today does not accept compromises and is ready to fight to the end for the destruction of the current world order in the absence of a positive program.

“At the same time, the global economic crisis increases the cravings of people for justice, especially those who have suffered from the crisis. And it turns out that the only force today that offers something to the world is a political Islam. Therefore, in 2015 we are waiting for a dramatic increase in the influence of political Islam throughout the world, primarily in the Middle East and the European Union.”

My Comment: The picture is incomplete because the author does not take into account the purpose of human development, the rise to the level of affinity with the Creator in the desire to give and to love.  Nature drives us to even greater suffering until we realize that there is no escape and that we must change our egoistic nature to an altruistic one in order to survive.

This realization depends on the dissemination and mastering of Kabbalah, the method of correction of our nature, among the people of Israel, and then around the world. Otherwise, we will again find ourselves again in a period of suffering, and again, through the decades, we will arrive at the same choice.

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