Everything Returns To The Beginning, But In Another Dimension

laitman_537Question: What does it mean that every day and at every moment everything starts all over again?

Answer: We never begin from the same state that we already went through. Each time there is a new subject, a new feeling. But every time we start from zero, we forget what was before as if we had done nothing.

There are such states that we don’t remember anything at all; it’s as if we are found in some fog, confusion, in a state that we don’t understand and are not used to. You feel that you are lost, as if you lost your way and don’t recognize what is happening around you. Everything seems strange and unfamiliar.

That is how they bring you to a new state in which you must make a clarification, an investigation of where you are found and what you are doing. That is how you must begin each new stage, for it includes within it ten complete Sefirot in desires, lights, and situations.

After that, a person gets used to it, as if they exchanged a diskette inside of him, installed a new program, and then he begins to behave differently, reacts differently, sees the world in another form; everything is different. We must get used to needing to pass through many changes. Only someone who has not developed is not changed.

All of nature evolves: even the still, vegetative, and animate, and also ordinary human beings, meaning all of humanity. But with the Kabbalist, evolution is expressed in a different absorption of reality, in a division of reality into why and what I absorb and feel. And this happens even before we begin to go up the spiritual ladder where already a very strong change happens as well as the quality of the states. The difference between two adjacent states on the spiritual ladder is immense. They are simply different dimensions.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/26/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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