Unity Of Israel: Time Is Running Out

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: From the sources we know that the Creator has always been involved in all of our wars. He is the one who is in charge, depending on whether we fulfill our role or not. All of the victories and losses of the people of Israel were determined by Him, according to our success or failure in realizing our main goal.

Answer: It seems that the Creator is not connected at all with His Mitzvot (commandments). Similarly, a person doesn’t want to listen to doctors who advise him about the right nutrition. He says: “It isn’t important. I know by myself what I am should eat.”

But then troubles and diseases begin and the person doesn’t understand why this is happening to him. So the doctors say: “But we warned you that not all food products are beneficial for health. You caused the trouble yourself.” He replies “What all are you saying? I didn’t do anything! How could I have known?”

There is no reason to justify yourself by saying that you didn’t see the obstacle. The law is the law. If I eat something toxic now, I am could become ill, or die from it.

All of nature is a system of absolute laws. If I know how to use them, it is good for me, and if I don’t, ignorance of these laws doesn’t ease my fate.

So let’s show maturity and understand that if we are constantly faced with various problems, this means that we are not aware of the laws of the system. Nature is a scientific matter, it is wisdom, it is a complex of forces that connect and work together on various levels, whether it is the macrocosms, chemical reactions, or human relations. Systems operate everywhere, and if we don’t recognize the laws of their operation, then we constantly invite all kinds of troubles upon ourselves.

As a result, we all suffer. And our main problem is that we don’t learn from our mistakes. We constantly monitor a little child so he won’t get into trouble. And nobody is following us and we are making all kinds of mistakes. How does the higher power handle us?

The higher power is the general universal law of nature that includes all of the particular laws. This comprehensive law explains to us how the system of creation works. And today, thanks to the crisis, we are gradually beginning to discover it.

First, in the nature of the still, vegetative, and animate, we see that all parts of this system are connected and interdependent. They complement and support each other, all of them except for humans. And now we personally understand that we must keep the right and good interconnection, otherwise we cause the same crisis in all kinds of areas, whether it is in education, the family, work, commerce, industry , etc.

Everything that we have built, all of the systems of relationships that we have created since coming down from the trees and becoming human beings, is all egoistic. The ego encourages us to profit at the expense of one another. Basically we don’t resemble the integral analog system of nature. Humanity is not adjusted to it.

So we are constantly receiving blows, especially in our present stage of development. And it is no wonder: Throughout the entire length of the process our ego has constantly been growing, and as a result, the blows are stronger.

On the other hand, the Creator is the general law that connects all parts of reality into one complete system. What does it lack in order to be complete? It lacks a humanity that exists according to the same laws. People must understand the need for good connection,empathy, and love. In fact, this is saying that it is necessary to become like one person with one heart. This is the condition.

Question: Is this a condition for all people?

Answer: Right. But among all of the peoples there is one unique group of people, it must be the first to fulfill this condition and after that to provide an example to all the rest. As long as it doesn’t’ provide this example, everyone hates it and blames it for all the problems.

Question: Does this mean that the world is not balanced today because of Israel?

Answer: Yes, the Jews are not giving the world the right example to show them how to organize the good life. We must be teachers, or to using the words of the Torah (Exodus 19:6) “a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation” (Isaiah 49:6), a “Light to the nations.”

And the wars, including the current standoff, testify to the imbalance of the system in which the Jews are not fulfilling their role. Moreover, this is only the beginning; we are facing more difficult ecological problems if we don’t begin to equilibrate with one another.

From the first immigration to the land of Israel, a particular time was allocated to the Jews to organize themselves correctly. But we have not done so, and at the moment a very difficult period is beginning. We must begin to connect and show the world that this is for its own good. And then people will understand this, they will feel a need for us and will help us.

The time has arrived to loudly annouce: “Yes, we understand that we must serve as an example of the right connection between people for everyone, that we must live according to the principle of bestowal: (Isaiah 41:6) “They helped every one his neighbor,” (Shabbat 31a) “Don’t do to your friend what is hateful to you,” (Leviticus 19:18) “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” we must become “one person with one heart.” Yes, we must become one whole, as it is written: “All of Israel are friends.” We are beginning to work on this, and we promise you that we are making all efforts and will be a good example to you, so that everyone, the whole world, will reach this.

If without shame we proclaim this before everyone, suddenly they will begin to understand us. Even the greatest anti-Semites will understand from where their inner drive comes: “This is the reason that I hate them… .”

Question: How does the wisdom of Kabbalah explain our relationships with the Creator, that is, the primary factor causing the consequences in the fate of the people and the world?

Answer: The wisdom of Kabbalah makes it possible for us to understand and to feel the entire system. It gives us the sense of the laws of nature. When we begin to study this system, we begin to discern its facets: This is good and that is bad, this must continue, and that should be avoided. We see how it is necessary to be integrated into a society correctly; how the society must be integrated into humanity; how humanity must be integrated with the nature of the still, vegetative, and animate of the universe; how we can go outside to feel the upper worlds; and how to live in all of these worlds.

All of humanity must reach this. This is the general correction for which we are responsible.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalists Write: The Wars of Israel” 7/18/14

Related Material:
War And Peace
The Last Warning Of Kabbalists
A War We Have No Chance Of Winning

The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 9

From the book, The Essential Secret of the Jews, M. Brushtein

The phenomenon of Kolobok [(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolobok)]

How would an honest taxpayer react if in the middle of the native or non-native town, on the main square, on the central billboard, he suddenly saw information about yourself? The most innocuous. Let’s say, his name, hobbies, and a few photos of his family and friends.

It’s hard to imagine that this fact would fill a person with pride. Most likely, he would try to have this information removed from the billboard and the perpetrators punished.

But these are toys in comparison to what is happening on social networks. Information about each of us that is “open” on the web and that we have voluntarily provided was available only to special services only a decade ago. Now everything is different.

There is no anonymity, accept this!

Beginning from any starting point, you can make a complete dossier on anyone. It does not matter where you start: Social Security numbers, MAC-addresses, email addresses, or license plates. This information can give you everything about anyone.

By the way, if there is a lack of information about someone, you don’t need to look for witnesses and dig in archives. Everything is much simpler. Contact the right person through a social network directly, just be sure to back up the request by a smiley – a small picture with a jaundiced Kolobok.

For this Kolobok, your client not only will gladly provide you with all you need, but even will thank you, that is, will click on “Like.”

Amazing things are happening in the world.

Using the Internet and mobile technologies in the Obama campaign proved the real power of online social networks. (Christakis, N and Fowler, J. Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks)

We have to admit that something is happening in the world. A nation, or rather nations, quietly, and clearly not deliberately, are drawn to collective values.

Here are some interesting data about the world’s most popular social network Facebook:

More than 1 billion people are registered on Facebook.

More than 2.5 billion photos and 14 million videos are uploaded by users every month.

Online are more than 1.6 million active pages, and if you add up all the fans, you get a figure of 5.3 billion (one user can be a fan of many pages).

There are more than 1.6 million active pages, and if you add up all the fans, you will get a figure of 5.3 billion (one user can be a fan of many pages).

Facebook has been translated into more than 70 languages.

Over 300,000 users helped translate Facebook.

U.S. psychologists presented a new diagnosis – Facebook-dependence (FAD).

A recent survey of 500 U.S. colleges revealed that 10% of admissions departments viewed profiles on Facebook to assess applicants. Members of admissions committees said that what they saw created a mostly negative impact on their opinion.

One user’s post on Facebook has led to kidney donation.

It’s hard to ignore these facts, and you cannot explain this by nostalgia for favorite classmates. By the way, these and other data, among other things, suggest that the average user, i.e., the user, has acquired unheard-of possibilities. With the help of social networks, an ordinary student can become a billionaire, and an ordinary student is able to have hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets. And it’s not funny.

This is about the student.

Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook’s creator) is the youngest billionaire in the world.

The estimated value of Facebook has grown to US $ 50 billion. (The New York Times (dealbook.nytimes.com))

And this is about another student.

Between 350 to 450 thousand people were gathered on the 3rd of September, 2011, in various cities of Israel. Several sources called this demonstration “the most massive in the history of Israel.”

The protests were initiated by 25-year old student Daphne Leef. (Wikipedia, “The 2011 Social Justice Protests”)

The most interesting thing is that all these above-mentioned trends somehow correlated with the Jews. Whether they like it or not. At least in this form.

– Take a lesson from Zuckerberg!

– What Zuckerberg?

– Any Zuckerberg!

Related Material:
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 8
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 7
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 6

Light Channel System

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What are the ways of adding the intention to the seminars that are conducted for the general public?

Answer: The common thread of any seminar should be the thought that if we want to feel good there is no other way but realizing that we all are a part of one unified system and are totally interconnected.

It means that if we act as equals, as if we were members of one family, we’d be able to lead good lives because we’d be compatible with nature.

At this time, nature doesn’t require us to be “anti-egoistic,” nor does it want us to elevate above our ego. So far, nature wants us to realize the fact that we are all “tied” to each other, depend on each other as gears in one mechanism, and have to “rotate” in mutual harmony. This is what nature demands of humanity as a whole

However, humanity that now numbers seven billion has an internal part in; the role of this internal part is to serve as a conductor of the mutual force that can synchronize our moves in a “common dance.” In fact, it is the power of the Light. Only the Light can arrange all seven billion to consider each other and interact in a harmonious manner. It is the Light that creates coherence and originates reciprocal, mutual sensations in us; the Light influences everybody in an integral and unified way, thus bringing the entire system to act.

However, in order for the Light to descend and do its job, we need an “adapter” between it and humanity. The part that fulfills this job is called Israel. Our role is maintaining connection with the Light. It means that among us, in our little Bnei Baruch group we need to establish not just a family type of connection, but something much broader than that.

We have to be similar to the Light in our intention to bestow to each other so our friends become more important to us than we are to ourselves so that all our actions benefit and serve our friends. It is not enough to live as a common family in an “ant hill.” I exist only to bring benefit to all of Bnei Baruch. This is the real work for the sake of bestowal.

This is how the Light manifests itself; it happens because our joint desires are similar to the Light in their qualities, then the Light reveals in us and through us to the rest of seven billion.

However, the Light acts quite differently in the rest of humanity. First, only on the principle of bringing people together: “Don’t do to others what you hate for yourself.” Then, the Light gradually people reach “loving their neighbor as themselves.” So far it is due to mutual interdependence. Only after this level is attained do people approach the level of “loving the Creator.”

Accordingly, there are three steps that are defined by the Torah as commandments:

1. Do not do to others what you hate for yourself.

2. Love thy neighbor as thyself.

3. Love the Lord your God.

All of the above refers to unity among people within one spiritual system.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/13/14, Shamati #60

Related Material:
The Connection Between Tsunamis And Anti Semitism
Connection With The Light
The Unique Work Of The Spiritual Adaptor

Convention In Colombia “Day Three” – 07.27.14

Convention in Colombia “Day Three,” Lesson 4

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 07.26.14

Listen to an Audio Version of the Blog
Download: MP3 Audio
[audio:http://files.kabbalahmedia.info/download/audio/eng_o_rav_2014-07-26_declamation_blog-rav_full.mp3 title=’26.7.14′]

A Second Before Correction

Dr. Michael Laitman with studentsQuestion: It’s obvious to everyone that we have reached a dead end and urgently need to take action. But it’s unclear exactly what kind of solution does Baal HaSulam offer, and what method do you propose to stop the system that launches rockets at us? Do you feel that military actions will not lead to anything?

Answer: I am not saying that we should not defend ourselves at all. We must react to attacks, but only in order to win some time, which would allow us to set out on the new path.

Question: Until a new wave of escalations begins?

Answer: If we start dealing with this problem correctly, the way our Torah directs us, then there will be no new wave. The Torah requires that we connect between ourselves. Currently we are now in the same situation like before Mount Sinai, and we must become like one man with one heart. If we unite, we will achieve success, and if not, it will be the place of our burial.

Comment: A lot of people in the Israeli society benefit from the schism in the nation. Everyone hates everyone: Some hate the Russians, others hate natives from Eastern countries, and yet others hate immigrants from Europe. This split is not disappearing, but only getting bigger. Lawyers take bribes, police is negligent of their duties, the entire system is deteriorating….

Answer: This is a clear sign that we urgently need to work on our correction since the root of the problem is specifically in us.

Comment: The Internet is filled with hostile attacks in our direction. We are surrounded by universal hatred and under rocket fire.

Answer: This is exactly the state that is most suitable for correction. Everything was revealed. It became clear that the entire system is broken, and we fail in all areas. We cannot build ourselves.

We are still being held together by the pressure that the hatred of our enemies exerts on us. But if it were not for the neighbors surrounding us from every direction with drawn swords, yearning to destroy us in our own country, we would have started killing each other.

We can only thank those who hate us for the fact that they are holding us together, like nuts in a bag. Otherwise we would have long dispersed, leaving no memory of the nation of Israel which is able to rise. We haven’t disappeared yet among seven billion people only thanks to the external hatred.

We are at the final point, a second before correction. And this correction will happen either through blows or through our reason that can help us take the process of correction into our own hands and to advance through the good path. We will either go by the path of Light and acceleration of time (Achishena) or by the path of suffering, the natural course of development (Beito).

The path of Light implies that we will begin to educate ourselves. There is no other possibility to reach correction but education of all. It is necessary to bring the method of correction to the entire nation and explain what it means to be the chosen people, why we are so hated, and what we need to do in order to really move forward and advance all of humanity.

Everyone has to discover what nature is demanding from us. The word “nature” has the same numerical value (Gematria) as the word “Creator.” It is the same exact force. Each person needs to discover the true Torah, which is given for our own correction through the help of the Light that Reforms.

Torah is the Light that Reforms, and our nature is the evil inclination, our egoism. It is written, “I created the evil inclination and the Torah as addition to it” since with its help we correct egoism. The Light in the Torah, meaning the force of love and bestowal, corrects us. This is why we need to learn how to correct ourselves and to pass this method to the entire world.

These are very simple, easy things. It is said that “the entire Torah is a very simple pursuit.” And it is truly so, if only a person does not confuse it with something else, but does only what is necessary. We must do it.

When you come to the people and start explainןמע this, you will see how readily everyone will agree, how much they will want to listen to you and to join you.
From a TV Program “The Mission of the Nation of Israel” No 2, 7/9/14 

Related Material:
A War We Have No Chance Of Winning
A People Or A Bunch Of Refugees?
There Is No Other Means Of Correction

Convention In Colombia “Day Two” – 07.26.14

Convention in Colombia “Day Two,” Lesson 1 

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Convention in Colombia “Day Two,” Workshop 1 

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Convention in Colombia “Day Two,” Lesson 2 

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Convention in Colombia “Day Two,” Lesson 3 

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Pope Francis: “Inside Every Christian Is A Jew”

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from Huffington Post): “Underscoring the close ties between Christianity and Judaism and calling Holocaust denial “madness,” Pope Francis told an interviewer that ‘inside every Christian is a Jew.’

“In a wide-ranging interview published Friday (June 13) in Spain’sLa Vanguardia newspaper, the pope said dialogue between the two faiths can sometimes be a ‘hot potato.’

“’I believe that interreligious dialogue must investigate the Jewish roots of Christianity and the Christian flowering of Judaism,’ Francis said. ‘I understand it is a challenge, a hot potato, but it is possible to live as brothers.’

“Francis’ statement seems to go further than his predecessor, St. John Paul II, who made headlines in 1986 as the first pope to visit Rome’s main synagogue and declared Jews to be the ‘elder brothers of the Christian faith.’

“’Every day, I pray with the Psalms of David. My prayer is Jewish, then I have the Eucharist, which is Christian,’ the Argentine pontiff added.”

My Comment: Undoubtedly, the further development of humanity towards the purpose of its creation will lead people to distance themselves from all religions and faiths of the world. They will increasingly begin to feel their common spiritual root, which is not clothed in earthly images and representations that religion and beliefs impose on them.

This will lead all people of the world to feel that only Kabbalah expresses the true representation of the higher force. In this aspiration to become close to it, they will come close to each other.

Related Material:
Religions Go With The Childhood Of Mankind
More Muslims than Catholics
The True Origin Of Religions

A Simple Method

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can we accelerate spiritual advancement, unite, put all the pieces together, and adhere to the Creator more quickly?

Answer: How do we accelerate the time of correction? Actually, this is what we are doing.

It can be stretched out for decades and even centuries, resulting in repeatedly returning to this life until we rise to the next degree. Acceleration can only be achieved through drawing the Upper Light to ourselves; there is no other way! We have a very simple, very primitive method of working, which we only need to use. You can dig through thousands of Kabbalah books, but believe me, you will not find anything different.

After all, what do we learn from the model of creation itself, from the governing system? Only how to evoke the Upper Light, which will gradually correct us through its influence. And it is only possible to attract it through equivalence with it.

I often give examples of the way that children play in that they act like they are adults and gradually they become smarter and become like them. This, too, is the influence of the Upper Light.

Everything is only achieved through equivalence! When, in your current degree, you are striving to become similar to something, the next degree acts on you and you gradually ascend to it. Plants, animals, all cells and systems develop according to this principle. We need to develop according to this principle as well, both on the mental and spiritual levels.
From the 2nd lesson of the congress in Bulgaria. 7/11/14

Related Material:
Connection With The Light
The Method Leading To The Light
The Turning Point Of Development

The Clean Ecology Of The Spiritual World

Dr. Michael Laitman“…if a woman has conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days.” (Torah, Parshah Tazria – Leviticus 12:2)

“Born a man child” means giving a birth to the property of bestowal, a powerful quality that works only for the sake of love and giving.

“She shall be unclean seven days,” is the properties that cannot be turned into bestowal or love during the childbirth process are called “seven days” or “seven Sefirot.” For this period of time, one has to detach from one’s work and one’s prior conditions because there is a part inside the desire that is shaped to bestow and another part that turns into waste.

But it is not just waste; rather, they are the properties that cannot be used for the sake of bestowal. However, they can be corrected at the next level.

It is similar to the digestion of kosher animals when they swallow and regurgitate over and over again. This is an example of how one’s nature can be used for spiritual purposes.

Question: During the childbirth process on this material plane, a woman first releases water, then a baby is born, and afterward the placenta is separated and then blood comes out. Are all of them just “waste” that wasn’t utilized by the child?

Answer: This is a special type of connection between the upper and lower organisms, between the higher and lower levels.

In this world, the placenta is removed from the mother’s body and then they either throw it away or use it for medical purposes. Conversely, in spirituality these things worked to turn into lower level systems. All intermediary systems that worked between the mother’s body and the child, as well as everything that ever formed or worked for the child’s sake, leaves the mother’s body and descends to lower systems since the child doesn’t need them anymore. At this point, the baby obtains additional desires and receives a spiritual gene; thus, the child elevates.

Nothing is ever wasted in spirituality. It is a clean ecology! It just cannot be any other way. If the Creator made a desire that is absolutely equal to the Light, but qualitatively is completely opposite to It; they need each other to fully implement. Therefore, nothing ever vanishes in spirituality; everything is fully recyclable.

In materiality, the entire bodily waste that is produced by our organism can be either recycled or buried. Really nothing needs to be buried. Kabbalah explains what waste is. Particularly, Baal HaSulam wrote several articles that are yet unpublished and that describe the nature of the waste that is produced by our bodies and determines the way they should be re-used in the life circle. The most interesting thing is that there are numerous kinds of “waste”, such as sweat, hair, saliva, tears, etc. They form a special “sphere” around our bodies.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/02/14

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