The Plight Of Desperate Farmers Will Affect All Of Us

farmIn the News (from The Independent):1,500 farmers commit mass suicide in India” Over 1,500 farmers in an Indian state committed suicide after being driven to debt by crop failure, it was reported today. Farmers’ suicides are increasing due to a vicious circle created by money lenders. They lure farmers to take money but when the crops fail, they are left with no option other than death.

My Comment: And what about their families – what will they do now? Moreover, since all of humanity is interconnected as a single, united system, this suffering will trigger disasters for all of us.

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One Comment

  1. So that’s the current model of behavior ? Fear your creditors and give them the status of G-d? Serving false gods is still as prevalent as it always was or maybe it is even increasing. Ultimately, what happens if a creditor demands money you don’t have…..offering them your life doesn’t even pay the debt. Everybody looses in that scenario. They were afraid they would suffer so instead they cause their families to suffer. What could be more selfish in the end? I can’t think of anything. Were they afraid of starvation? Is it acceptable to pass the starvation on to their families?
    We cannot continue like this. If we all do this we’ll become extinct. These “false gods” speaking from within us have always demanded human sacrifice. Our Creator is here. We need to fine tune our reception together.

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