An Impetus To Turn To The Creator

528.02Question: In order to see a single force behind all objects and phenomena, do I have to find desires that support this idea inside of myself?

Answer: No, you will not be able to find such desires in yourself. You must be in the appropriate group from which you can receive them.

The fact is that none of us have any desire for unification. There is no desire for bestowal in us. But when we gather in a group and we see how selfish we are, how much we do not want and even despise all this unity, we begin to understand how far we are from the spiritual quality, the quality of the Creator.

Then, we have no choice but to try all sorts of artificial techniques to get closer to each other in order to reach the state of asking the Creator to unite us.

All group work consists of setting an example of striving for unity for each other. Although we do not have this natural aspiration, when we artificially do this, we set an example for our friends.

As a result, we come to a state in which we seem to be striving for unification but, in fact, we do not achieve it. This is where the difference between the desired state and reality emerges. This difference creates an impetus for us to turn to the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 4/15/19

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