Short Stories: Adam’s Illumination

laitman_742_03Kabbalah is the science dealing not with studying our world but only with the forces that govern it.

The first person who discovered this system 5775 years ago was called Adam. The day it happened is described in the Torah as the day the world was born.

Prior to that, people lived like animals, engaged in satisfying their biological needs. Of course, they believed in some forces that helped, protected, or, conversely, harmed them. But this subconscious sensation is present in animals as well.

And suddenly, while humanity had no understanding of where everything comes from and for what it exists, a normal person of our world, Adam, began to reveal that he exists within nature, in a network of forces that govern him.

He called this network of forces the Creator, since he discovered that it created our matter and operates it.

That time marks the beginning of the wisdom of Kabbalah. This is why Adam is considered to be the patriarch of our world, and everything the Torah narrates comes from his personal attainment and is told from his perspective: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless, and void….” and so on.

Having made his discovery, Adam realized that the meaning of his life is not to simply survive on the Earth for a certain number of years, but to attain this network of forces, to rise to its level, master, and govern it. This is how one can ascend to a degree above our world and begin to operate this world, as well as that world, that system of forces, which become revealed to us.

Adam attained the upper world because he had a desire to rise to the level of the Creator. This is where his name “Adam” comes from: it means “similar to the Creator.”

He immediately felt the need to pass on his knowledge to someone. With his students Shem, Ham, and Japheth who were referred to as his sons, began the chain of those who attain the upper world through the method revealed by Adam.

He called this method “The wisdom of Kabbalah,” the science of receiving, understanding, and revealing of the upper world, the higher system of governance.

Externally, Adam was an ordinary man and it is unlikely that his parents and the people around him were aware of his findings and revelations. After all, what he came to know, he revealed inside himself and only for himself. None of the others had any idea about it. This is why Kabbalah is called a “hidden wisdom,” because every person who attains it reveals it only for himself or herself, and cannot convey it to others.

While physics, chemistry, and all other natural and exact sciences can be conveyed to everyone and taught to others so they would be able use them, it is impossible to communicate Kabbalah. We can only teach another person how to change himself in order to be able to feel the next dimension: the higher system, higher degree, the upper world. When a person starts to feel this, he is called a Kabbalist.

Attainment of the next dimension gives a person the ability to learn what he is living for because the nature that he reveals emerges as the one that is governing, determining, permeating everything with itself, and indicating to everyone where it is leading him and what degree of development he needs to reach. It becomes clear to him that the entire path that he is obliged go through (because here, there is no freewill), he can accelerate by directing himself.

Imagine that you are sitting in a wagon, which is being propelled forward by unmanageable horses, they carry you over bumps and potholes in an unknown direction, and in any moment you can fall into an abyss. This is our life.

Yet it is possible to make it so that by sitting in the front you pick up the reins, knowing exactly where you need to head. There will already be a modern GPS in your hands and you can calmly move toward a quick accomplishment of the ultimate goal, going around all the bumps and potholes.

The meaning of Adam’s illumination, and after him, of all the other Kabbalists, lies in the fact that a person is given the opportunity to reach quickly, independently, and comfortably the final goal of creation, and also to teach the rest of the world how to do it. This is what Adam started to do.
From KabTV’s “Abbreviated Stories” Part 1, 10/15/14

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