Is Independence Possible In The Land Of Israel?

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam, “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar”: The fact of the matter is that the Creator delivered our holy land from the foreigners and has given it back to us, yet we have not received the land into our own authority, since the time of reception has not yet come….

After all, we have no economic independence, and there is no political independence without economic independence.

Not only are those in the Diaspora not inclined to come to us and delight in the redemption, but a large portion of those that have been redeemed, and are already dwelling among us, are anxiously waiting to be rid of this redemption and return to the Diaspora from whence they came.

First of all, this is talking about those people that in the physical sense are the descendants of the Jews who attained spirituality two thousand years ago and passed from generation to generation in exile until our day.

In addition, this is for all of those who received a push to come to the land of Israel on the one hand, and on the other hand, they reject this, withdraw, and are hesitant. The evil inclination is revealed in them and the resistance of the two opposites appears.

As for economic independence, it is impossible without national independence. And there cannot be national independence as long as there is no ideological independence. And there cannot be any ideological independence as long as there is no spiritual independence.

And spiritual independence can be only if we, the people of Israel, are detached from all the other material methods that are in the world and adhere to our spirituality. And when we connect to our root, through it, we will get ideological independence, political independence, national independence, and economic independence.

Then the whole world will see that we are arranging and building our lives according to the new method. It is specifically this method, if the whole world accepts it from us, that will make it possible for everyone to pass through this crisis and enter into a life of wholeness. And this is what is called being a “light to the nations.”
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/24/13, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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