Entries in the 'Love' Category

The Most Important Task In Life

profit1Today, all of humanity is operating in a global system. If we correct the ties between us in that system, it means we correct the souls to reveal the Creator here within that bond, in this world and in our lifetime.

The science of Kabbalah states that the breaking of the souls happened in their descent from one of the exalted spiritual degrees. Before that descent, all of the souls represented one common soul, called Adam.

Adam split into many separate parts, and absolutely all of them fell into this world, giving rise to all of humanity. There is no difference between the common soul and any person in this world. All we need to understand is that we are inside a closed system, where everyone is stuck in his ego. Thus, there are now seven billion separate parts. Each of them has been growing, influenced by their own unique ego until this time, a special time when the broken connection between us is being revealed: billions and billions of connections – linking each person.

People say that each person knows everyone else in the world through no more than five or six degrees of separation. However, we have yet to reveal that everyone of us is literally connected to everyone, since the link is corrupted and each one relates to the others based on his ego. It’s not our fault that ego is inside us – we had it to begin with. However, the fact that it has become revealed means that we must correct it. Besides this one task there is nothing of greater importance or meaning that we must do in our lifetime. For if we correct the ties between us, we discover the World of Infinity itself.

To the extent that a person reveals the true bond with others by his correct attitude towards them, he begins to feel the Upper Force – the force of bestowal and love. He then transcends the boundaries of his perception of the world and begins to see the world around him as it really is outside of him, and in this way, he reveals the Creator.

That is precisely what we must achieve in this generation. All the conditions are laid out before us; Kabbalists wrote about it and outlined the entire method for us, and all we are left to do is to realize it. We have been given every opportunity to do just that.

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Laitman.com Post: Humanity Is Like Fish Caught In Nature’s Net
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A Guide To The Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah: “Ten Kabbalah Lessons / Lesson 6”
Lesson on Baal HaSulam Article: “Thou Hast Hemmed Me In Behind and Before”

Death Of The Body Should Be Like Cutting Our Hair

laitman_2009-05-xx_ny_5048A question I received: What does it mean to reveal Nature?

My Answer: To reveal Nature means to reveal the general law of Nature in which we are included and to reveal ourselves at a different stage.  In other words, it means to reveal reality in its true form, as opposed to its perception in our five corporeal senses. In that sense, we are no different that animals.

What makes us different from animals today is our egoistic desire to use all of Nature for our own benefit, the petty and narrow profit. But we have to learn to rise above this egoistic force that is within us all.

If we turn this egoistic force into a force of bestowal and love of our  neighbor, we will rise above our nature, attain bestowal, and become similar to the Creator, which is the general and the Upper Force of Nature. It is called “to reveal the Creator” in everyone. By that, one reveals the Upper Quality of bestowal in oneself and reaches an eternal and perfect life, as the Creator and as all of Nature.

Even when one loses his material animate body, he does not feel that he lacks for something, because this corporeal life is the smallest, worst and most insignificant form of life.

Rabash used an example of cutting the hair or nails.  Because the hair and nails represent the vegetative part on the animate part of the body, a person does not feel pain when he cuts them because the vegetative part is one level below the animate.

In the same way, when we rise above the animate level of Nature to the level of the Creator, we will stop perceiving the loss of our material life as an important and meaningful event.  But, until we have risen to this higher degree, we will continue to attach importance to it.

Once we rise to this next higher degree, we will realize that the only reason for us to remain in this life will be for the necessity of disseminating the knowledge of Kabbalah and the need for bestowal, in which case this opportunity will still exist. If this was not necessary and our corporeal body was to die, we would feel its death no more than what we feel when we cut our nails or hair.

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Laitman.com Post: Put On A Helmet And Go On A Dream Vacation From Your Living Room Sofa
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Laitman.com Post: Kabbalah Is The Science Of The World’s Correction
Kabbalah Today Article: Time to Act
Lesson on Baal HaSulam Article: “Finding the Creator Within”

Kabbalah On Saints And Brain Transplants

crisis5A question I received: Are there any people who are considered saints in Kabbalah? Does this concept exist? How can you explain the phenomenon of imperishable relics left behind by saints or holy people? This is a concept that exists in different religions. Is it possible that these people attained the quality of absolute love and bestowal during their lifetimes, and therefore they did not die, but their souls simply left their bodies? And is this considered sanctity?

My Answer: Man’s body is an animal that eventually dies and decomposes into the basic elements. And the soul bears no relation to the body. Baal HaSulam even used to say, “I don’t care where they bury my sack of bones.”

A holy man is someone who attains equivalence with the Creator while living in this world, by developing the desire to “love one’s neighbor as oneself.” As for the body, you can perform every imaginable organ transplant, you can replace all of the body parts, and you can perform blood transfusions. This will not affect the soul in any way. Doctors are already able to replace the heart, and soon they’ll even be able to perform brain transplants. That’s because our information is not stored in the brain, but in the field surrounding it.

Related Material:

Laitman.com Post: Eastern Teachings Have No Connection With Kabbalah
Laitman.com Post: What Is The Soul?
Laitman.com Post: Am I A Mystic Or A Prophet?
Interview with the Future: Part 4 Contact with the Upper One.”Adhesion with the Creator”

The Purpose Of The Universe

drugsThe general purpose of the whole universe is for humanity to reach the state where all people will be as one family. Everyone will take others into consideration and will be a guarantor for everyone else.

One of the causes that will bring this about will be the pressure coming from Nature’s Upper Law that is being revealed now. It is the law of everyone’s universal connection and dependence on each other.

But this won’t be the only cause. It will also happen because when people reach the level of mutual bestowal, they will want to shift to the new type of relationships, those of “love for your neighbor.” People will desire this consciously, on their own.

Nature governs the still, vegetative, and animate levels and balances them so they stay in mutual harmony. This is why all things in Nature consume only what is necessary to sustain their lives. Man, however, has to reach the same mutual balance with Nature by means of a conscious participation. Man has to study the structure of the universe and its unity in order to become similar to Nature. He will then be truly worthy of being called “man” (Adam in Hebrew, originating from the word Dommeh – similar to the Creator).

Related Material:

Laitman.com Post: Unity Among People Is Unique In Nature
Laitman.com Post: You Are Responsible For All The Crimes In the World
Laitman.com Post: What Is Balance In Nature?
A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah: 2. Some Basics.”To Receive—Discover the Force of Giving”

Unity Among People Is Unique In Nature

An Invitation to an Event of Unity and DisseminationA question I received: Why can’t our human society reach the state of mutual guarantee naturally, while staying on the animate level like cells in a body?

My Answer: A human being is far too complicated a creature to connect with others this way. Here’s why.

Egoism becomes qualitatively bigger on each level of nature, going from the still level, to the vegetative, to the animate, and the human. The bigger an object’s egoism, the more individualistic it is, and the more incapable it is of uniting with others. Therefore, as one develops, one feels more separate from others.

Nowadays, it’s not only the psychologists and sociologists, but also the economists and the politicians who are discovering that the world has become interconnected and therefore we – humanity – must unite. However, they believe that they are able to do this using a corporeal method, and that everything will settle down if only we create a world bank, a world government, a world upbringing, and a world-wide connection.

However, after having a few more meetings like the recent G20 summit, they will begin to understand that they lack the method to unite. Unfortunately, before they realize this, people may have to go through great suffering, including a lack of safety, a feeling of disorientation, total powerlessness, and universal grief. People cannot bear to be in a state of uncertainty, since constant alarm is worse than death. Our minds cannot function under such circumstances. Yet all of this may happen in order for us to realize that the only way to achieve unification among us is to rise above our egoistic nature.

This is not so on the still, vegetative, and animate levels, where all of nature and its parts are instinctively, naturally interconnected. They supplement each other and interact with each other harmoniously, without any freedom of choice or any decision-making.

Unification between people, however, can only be achieved when each person does it consciously. Unlike the other levels of nature, the Creator did not just make us unite by giving us instincts for this. Our unification is possible only if we acquire the quality of bestowal and love, where everyone participates and joins with everyone. To do this, we have to rise above ourselves and our egoism, and achieve the Biblical commandment of “love your neighbor as yourself.”

This is how the quality of the Creator will be revealed among us, and we will become similar to Him. We will then understand why He acted this way in regard to us.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Brown’s Appeal to Bankers’ Conscience Will Go Unheard
Laitman.com Post: Unity – the Force of Salvation
Interview: “Enlightenment of Humanity”
From Chaos to Harmony: “Balance with Nature”
Baal HaSulam: “The Love for the Creator & Love for the Created Beings”

When Israel Unites With The Nations Of The World

thirdA question I received: The people of Israel suffer from Anti-Semitism. If they will begin to observe the law of “love your neighbor as yourself” and change the system of relationships in the country, will other nations stop hating Israel? How are these things connected?

My Answer: We, Bnei Baruch, have many friends all over the world, and this global community shows what happens to people who have learned about what Kabbalah has to give to the world.  These people have become close to us and we can all feel that there is love and unity among us.

If a person sees that you have precious knowledge about the soul, about the future, about the world’s destiny and the connection between everyone, and if he can feel that these things are correct, then he unites with you. And then you won’t sense any difference between you.

This is what we see in practice: there is no distance or any differences between us in Israel and any of our friends around the world. They are part of our group and are guided by the “point in the heart.” There is no difference between us in our perception, our actions, or our attitude toward the Creator. Moreover, when you come close to someone from afar, then that person becomes even dearer to you.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Pictures from the 2009 International Kabbalah Congress
Laitman.com Post: How to Become a Kabbalah Teacher
Spiritual Search: “Thirteenth Talk: Equivalence of Form”

The Religion Of The Future Is “Love For The Fellow Man”

Man, Woman and Divinity Between ThemA question I received: What should be the connection between the Jewish religion and the state of Israel?

My Answer: There shouldn’t be any connection between religion and state. Every person should be able to lead the lifestyle of his choice without coercion. Kabbalah states: “There’s no coercion in spirituality!”

People should only be influenced by the correct education. Sure, the upbringing in Israel should be conducted the spirit of the Jewish tradition, Jewish culture and all that we received from our forefathers. However, this should be done through a gentle, kind upbringing in the spirit of the nation’s traditions.

Through the dissemination of Kabbalah, today’s religion – a set of obligatory actions, will turn into true religion. This is what Baal HaSulam describes in the article, “The Essence of Religion and Its Purpose.” How will this happen?

The Upper Force that is being reveals to us today will change us, and people will then begin to feel and understand the Creator. His revelation will eliminate the need for the religious services of today and the need for intermediaries between man and the Creator, such as religion and its leaders. It is written, “And people will stop teaching about Creator, for all will know Me, from small to great.”

The revelation of the Creator will show everyone the principle of the entire Torah: “Love your neighbor as yourself,” which is currently absent even among the religious people. Baal HaSulam writes in “The Future Generation”:

The religious (ethical) form, determining the life of all nations, must first and foremost obligate its representatives to engage in bestowal to the fellow man, according to the principle, “love your neighbor as yourself.” And this will be the social consciousness of all nations… However, with this exception, each nation should be free to follow its own religion and traditions, and no nation should interfere with the affairs of another.

The science of Kabbalah explains that the main principle of the Torah, “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” indicates that the observance of the Mitzvot (precepts) and Torah means the correction of one’s egoism, where one reaches the level of love for the fellow man. So it is the correction of one’s egoistic desires that is called the observance of the precepts.

If a person engages in self-correction in order to develop an attitude of bestowal to the fellow man, this means that he is performing all the rules of Torah. This is what the great sage Rabbi Akiva said. When he was asked to explain all of the Torah while “standing on one leg” (metaphorically speaking), he cited the general rule of the entire Torah: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Another sage, named Hillel, who lived in the times of the Talmud (the beginning of the Common Era) states this principle as: “Don’t do to another what you don’t want others to do to you.”

Therefore, the entire institute of religion will definitely go through a big change, as it doesn’t stand by these principles.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Learning to Live In the Spiritual World
Laitman.com Post: Why Are Most Israelis Opposed to Their Nation’s Traditional Customs?
Laitman.com Post: The True Meaning of “Observing Torah and Mitzvot”
Talk: “There is No Coercion in Spirituality”
Baal HaSulam Article: “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar”

Why Is It Easier To Love Sushi Than To Love Your Neighbor?

laitman_2009-03_8172A question I received: You don’t have to make any effort to love sushi or your child. So why is it that in order to love one’s neighbor, one has to go through such a difficult, intricate and lengthy process?

My Answer: When we are satisfying our egoistic desires, we act instinctively: we love ourselves and everything that is ours, and we dislike everything that is foreign, sensing that it is distant from us and does not belong to us. This feeling of the difference between “mine” and “the rest” was created in us in order for us to realize that we are opposite to the whole world and to the Creator. The revelation of this fact is called the revelation of the “shattered common soul.”

If the Creator was clearly revealed to a person, the person would be deprived of his freedom of choice, of any free desire, thought, and action. He would be completely annulled before the Creator. Therefore, in order for man to attain similarity to the Creator, who is the quality of bestowal, one must start out in a state where the Creator is concealed from the person. However, one then needs another example or model of the quality of bestowal and love, instead of the Creator.

In order to create this opportunity for us to attain similarity to the Creator while He is hidden, the single soul of Adam HaRishon broke into individual souls. As a result of this breaking, each soul now imagines itself to be outside of the others, and feels repelled from them by its egoism. And when a soul corrects its egoism – its separation from other souls, it attains the quality of bestowal and similarity to the Creator. This is the goal of creation.

Therefore, we should not seek to correct any of our actions, but only our attitudes toward others. It is written, “One goes from love for the neighbor to love for the Creator.” This is how we correct our soul, become similar to the Creator, and attain the goal of creation. Therefore, “love your neighbor as yourself” is the general law of the world (the Torah), and the other laws are particular expressions of this law.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: How Can You Love Others?
Laitman.com Post: Humanity Is Entering a New Stage
Laitman.com Post: We Are Coming Closer to the Law of Universal Connection
Laitman.com Post: A Global World Is a World of Love
Article by Rabash: Shlavey HaSulam (Steps of the Ladder) – “Love Your Friend As Yourself”
Article by Rabash: Shlavey HaSulam (Steps of the Ladder) – “The Purpose of the Association”

What Will A World Of Infinite Love Be Like?

woman3A question I received: If people learn to live in our world according to the law, “love your neighbor as yourself” and will defeat their egoism, then what will our world look like? After all, corrected souls do not return to this world.

My Answer: The entire corrected humanity will rise as one whole to the state of the World of Infinity.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: About the Phases of Complete Correction
Laitman.com Post: Will Bodies Be Necessary After the Full Correction?
Article: “The World of Infinity”
Baal HaSulam Article: “The Last Generation”

We Are Always Subject To Nature’s Law Of Love

How Old Is the World?The more we repeat the phrase, “love your neighbor as yourself,” the less we understand it. It is written that this is the general rule, the law of all reality, and we must act according to it. And whoever thinks that individual parts of the universe do not observe it, is mistaken.

We observe this law because we have no other choice, since we live in one dimension, in one sphere. This law affects us, but we observe it unwillingly. The suffering we perceive is precisely this absence of desire to observe this law. This is how we feel the difference between the present state and the more advanced state.

If we pay attention to this, we will be able to discern the most important thing: that this law is mandatory for us. It affects us and we purposefully exist in a state that’s opposite to it, where we don’t want it. This is done in order for us to realize its importance, splendor and universality. We will then observe it willingly, with our free choice.

The fact is, we all serve the Creator (or Nature). However, some of us do it unwillingly, while others do it willingly and consciously.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Humanity and Nature Want the Same Thing – Unity
Laitman.com Post: Man Was Created to Exist In Balance With Nature
TV Program: “Ask the Kabbalist”
Baal HaSulam Article: “The Love for the Creator & Love for the Created Beings”