Entries in the 'Nations of the World' Category

Israel Will Be the Source of Peace

933Question: Once upon a time, you said Israel would eventually become the safest place on Earth. The clip of you saying this has millions of views.  Would you retract those words today?

Answer: No.

Comment: You said that Israel would indeed become the safest place on Earth.

My Response: Yes, that is correct.

Question: What is your basis for saying this?

Answer: I base it on the fact that the same Creator will compel us to follow His instructions. And then He will naturally make this place a source of peace.

Question: So it will be attractive, desirable, and so on?

Answer: Yes, this force will emanate from us into the world, and all the nations will turn and come to us.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/12/24

Related Material:
Israel Cannot Be Defeated By Missiles
The People Of Israel And A Biased Court
The Land Of Israel On The Map And In The Soul

When Will the War in Israel End?

963.2Question: This question is difficult to answer. When do you think the war will end?

Answer: When we realize that there is no other way out. Only if we love, support, open our hearts to each other, provide whatever help is needed, and are ready for this to be the base law of human life, then it will happen.

Question: What does it depend on?

Answer: Again, it depends only on us. Only we can shorten all these times and bring nations closer together, just us.

Question: And how do we drive this importance into the heart and into the mind, that this is what we must come to? Besides the fact that we are formatted from above.

Answer: Yes, we are being squeezed from all sides, but we only need to develop this and explain to the world that the right state of humanity is “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/12/24

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Demand Correction from the Creator
Jews Cannot Be Annihilated

The Divine Idea of Life

244We are not a country, not a state, not a people, we are an idea! A country can be destroyed, a state can be conquered, a people can be slaughtered, but the idea? The idea cannot be killed! (Sholom Aleichem)

Question: Does this idea live in us? What idea is he talking about?

Answer: In principle, there is no idea. There is no idea in itself. In the end, a man creates it in himself anyway. A person creates within himself an idea of why to exist, in the name of what to exist, and so on. And for this reason he exists.

Question: But there is an idea that people followed. The man ignited the people and led them. I mean Abraham. Is there still an idea of the people? Sholom Aleichem hints at this.

Answer: That idea is divine. It is not something created by man. It is perceived from the Creator. And they ignited the people and carried them within themselves.

Question: Does this idea live in us or does it not?

Answer: I do not see this.

Question: And still, the great Kabbalist Baal HaSulam writes that we have this grain within us, but it is covered by tons of egoism.

Answer: Maybe, somewhere within us, yes.

Question: What must be done to make this grain break through this concrete?

Answer: This requires a passionate desire to discover the meaning of life. And this seems so difficult to us and even insurmountable with our efforts that we reject it in advance. We say, “Ah, I will live as I do now. This is what I have, and there is nothing else.” A man agrees to such a wretched, miserable existence. And so does the whole people, and the whole world, until the Creator awakens us from above.

Question: So the only hope is in the upper one?

Answer: The only one!

Question: This concrete layer already exists above the world. And the only hope is for the upper one?

Answer: Let us hope for this!

Question: Let us hope for this. But should we at least make some kind of a move? I do not know what; take a sledgehammer, start hammering this concrete, do something, hit your head.

Answer: No, by doing this you demonstrate your disagreement with the plan of creation.

Question: So I must accept the current state and sit tight?

Answer: Yes, you must accept it.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/9/23

Related Material:
A People Of The Idea
The History Of The Jewish People
Under The Rule Of The Nations

It All Depends on Israel

294.2Question: It says that Israel is above the signs of good luck. What does it mean: Israel does not need the Reshimo of shattering?

Answer: The fact is that Israel, for the most part, has been shattered and now has to correct itself. And by doing this it corrects the whole Kli, all the nations, the whole world. That is why everyone makes all kinds of claims against Jews.

Question: Who determines the speed of our progress, and can I influence it?

Answer: Of course, you can influence it with your desire.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/29/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Explaining the Discernment of Luck”

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Direct Relation
What the World Expects from Jews
We Are Holding The Key To Happiness

American Universities Promote Freedom of Antisemitism

448.9Comment: These days, only an indifferent person avoids talking about American antisemitism, about what is happening at universities there, and so on. I would like to talk about it.

My Response: This was already happening 15 to 20 years ago when I was still visiting universities.

Comment: I know the foundation was laid and money was invested there. Significant sums of Arab money were invested in order to promote it. It amazes me that the script was written then for many years to come.

My Response: They understood what they were doing.

Question: They quietly invested money in universities and promoted this hatred. And now it has manifested itself very clearly.

We know Congress called for a meeting with the Presidents of three top universities: Harvard, Univeristy of Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

They were asked the same question over and over. Their video went viral on the Internet. They were asked: “Do calls for the genocide of Jews violate the code of conduct at your university?” It was the exact question: “Do calls for the genocide of Jews violate your university’s code of conduct? Yes or no?”

And they would not answer yes or no. They tried to avoid answering. Do you think they are afraid? Or is this antisemitism already deeply ingrained in them?

Answer: I think they are not just afraid, although there is also something to be afraid of, even physically.

Question: If they were defending the Jews, then they or their relatives would be threatened physically?

Answer: Yes, but there is nothing you can do about it anyway. This is the natural development of the world.

Question: So do you think it is already a part of them? And nothing can change it?

Answer: It will only change if the Jews change! So it is said in the Torah, so it is said everywhere, and so say the antisemites.

Comment: We see heroes always find an indirect path. And you say we need to sort things out within ourselves.

My Response: Why should we hate them? It all comes from above.

Comment: Well, they want us to disappear.

My Response: Then disappear in a spiritual sense in your attitude toward the world, toward yourself, and others. Rise to the level of giving, bestowing, and loving. And you will see how the world will change.

Question: Is this your call to the Jews now?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Specifically to the Jews? Will it continue until there is a revolution within the Jews themselves?

Answer: Yes.

Question: It seems we are now approaching this revolution after all?

Answer: I hope our people will be able to realize it, come to their senses, and turn around.
This is our task.

Question: At the same time, all three presidents of the three universities stated the need to protect free speech. Here is the phrase they used to hide behind—”freedom of speech.” What do you personally understand by this phrase? Is there a place for it?

Answer: We need to educate generations to the point where free speech in itself intentionally remains only in calls for rapprochement.

Question: Are these calls free speech? To be free to call for rapprochement?

Answer: Yes and everything else will just disappear.

Question: Well of course, for now it means something else—saying what you want, whatever comes into your head, and calling it free speech. You do not call this free speech?

Answer: No.

Question: What do you think it is? Saying whatever they think?

Answer: Considering the nature of man, this is just propaganda of hatred, mutual rejection, and calls for mutual destruction.

Question: Is that because we are in such a state today? Is this what comes out of us? What then is freedom of speech?

Answer: Free speech can only be called as such when it promotes mutual dependence and rapprochement.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/11/23

Related Material:
“How Could Modern America Become Anti-Semitic?” (Quora)
“The Surprising Reason That American Jews Hide Their Identity” (Times Of Israel)
“Canada Students’ Hitler Salute Proves Entrenched Antisemitism” (Times Of Israel)

The Miracle of Translating the Torah

963.1Question: In the Talmud, an ancient source of Jewish wisdom, it is written:

There was an incident involving King Ptolemy of Egypt, who assembled seventy-two Elders from the Sages of Israel, and put them into seventy-two separate rooms, and did not reveal to them for what purpose he assembled them, so that they would not coordinate their responses. He entered and approached each and every one, and said to each of them: Write for me a translation of the Torah of Moses your teacher. The Holy One, Blessed be He, placed wisdom in the heart of each and every one, and they all agreed to one common understanding. Not only did they all translate the text correctly, they all introduced the same changes into the translated text.”

This is how the Torah was translated into Greek.

My question is, can this source be trusted? Can we say that this happened exactly how it is written?

Answer: Where is it written?

Comment: In the Talmud.

My Response: So, why are you asking?

Question: What is considered a miracle: the fact that the 72 elders translated the Torah as if done by one translator, or that God placed in them a single wisdom, one intention? What is the miracle here?

Answer: The miracle is most likely that they all translated it as one person. The root of this was, as it is written, that God placed in them a single wisdom and one thought.

Question: How does this happen? 72 different people write the exact same text without the slightest error. How does it happen that God places this in each of them?

Answer: Because it is God. And because these are 72 special sages at the highest level of knowledge (therefore 72). The number itself is the level of the highest knowledge. That is why they were able to do it.

Question: Can we say that if God instills one intention and a single wisdom, then God wants this source, the Torah, to be spread in the world?

Answer: This has been said many times and also directly stated that these laws should be for the entire world.

Comment: It is said here that they were able to reach one common understanding.

My Response: Yes, that is the miracle.

Question: Reaching one common understanding is a miracle. If in the past, 72, 120 people, the Sanhedrin, made one decision, today two people cannot make one decision. Two! They must clash, each asserting their own opinion.

How can ordinary people, politicians, leaders, or just individuals and families come to one decision, to one opinion?

Answer: There is a lack of understanding that we are under the authority of the Almighty, and everything comes from Him. Therefore, by agreeing with others, you, in principle, come closer to the Creator.

Question: Do you mean to say that I am somehow agreeing with the Creator who is expressing Himself through another?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If I can go this far, suppress and nullify myself, can I also hear what is being said to me from above?

Answer: You will hear the Creator.

Question: Does this apply to both disputing parties, and families, and generally to any states?

Answer: It is not about hearing what the other person is saying. Through them, you will hear the Creator. This is important.

Question: Specifically through my nullification?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: You attribute such great importance to nullification.

My Response: A person nullifies their egoism, the most important thing within them, and desires only to work with receiving from outside. And “from outside” comes to them from the Creator.

Question: Are you saying that the miracle here is precisely this nullification?

Answer: Yes, that is the miracle. If we could nullify ourselves before each other, we would hear the Creator. But He is concealed behind what we say to each other without listening to others.

Question: Is he waiting for us to be able to do this, to nullify ourselves?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/28/23

Related Material:
We Should Know How To Read The Torah
Write It On Your Heart
The Oral Torah Is A Key To Penetrating Inside

Why Didn’t Alexander the Great Destroy Jerusalem?

200.01Question: Alexander the Great, the great commander, marched on Jerusalem. He was already great then, he had conquered half the world. And it is written in the Talmud that the high priest Shimon HaTzadik came out to meet him, and with him the elders.

It is written as follows: “They moved all night by torchlight, and at dawn they met with the advance detachments of the Macedonian. We stood in their way. The squad stopped. Alexander the Great descended from the chariot and knelt before the high priest. The assault on Jerusalem has been canceled.”

From that moment on, the name Alexander was included in the list of Jewish names.

The question is very important for today, what does force gives in to? You are equipped, you have got half the world behind you, you have conquered half the world, and you give up!

Answer: There is a higher power, and Alexander felt it. After he conquered the whole world, he was not blinded by it. He felt the power in this elder and therefore got off the chariot and bowed before the great wisdom that he felt in this man.

Question: Still, how to emanate it? I understand, this is a great High Priest, this is a connection with a upper force. But still, now, today, when all this is happening, is it possible to stand up against weapons like this and win? Is it possible or not?

Answer: It depends on who you are going to talk to.

Comment: After all, you see nobility behind Alexander the Great.

My Response: Not only that. He is a smart man, he is a great man who did not just go out to conquer the world. He came out to fill this world with science and enlightenment. And first of all, he wanted to leave it in those cities through which his troops passed.

He wanted to make this world, of course, Hellenic, but it was enlightened. That is, to raise this pagan world to the level of enlightenment.

Question: What is the spirit that a person radiates that conquers everything? I am asking about the high priest now.

Answer: The high priest is obligated to stay in Jerusalem; he has nowhere to go. He has a completely different mission. He must fill the earth with spirit.

Question: And if he came out now and met the Macedonian, what does that mean?

Answer: It means that two great men, strength and intelligence, came together, each understanding the other, respecting each other, and decided to save Jerusalem based on this.

Question: Was the high priest’s idea to save Jerusalem?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When you say “spirit,” do you necessarily mean an upper force in this concept? Is there no spirit without a higher power?

Answer: No, it does not exist. The spirit is the upper force, which, by the way, exists generally in any person. It only depends on how much a person wants to elevate this spirit above him. Let’s say Hitler could not do it, but Alexander the Great could. Therefore, to this day, Jews often call their children Alexander in honor of Alexander the Great.

Comment: There is no other case like this in history.

Answer: There is no such thing, in any way.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/25/23

Related Material:
The High Priest’s Qualities, Part 1
The High Priest’s Qualities, Part 2
The High Priest’s Qualities, Part 3

For the Light to Shine on Everyone

938.02Question: It is written “precisely when the righteous of the generation extends illumination of Hochma, his mind shines in the whole of Israel.” Who is Israel?

Answer: Israel is all those who yearn for spirituality, absolutely everyone. At the same time, neither nationality, gender, nor anything else matters. The main thing is to have a desire.

Then, as is written in the sources, a general light shines on society and reflects on everyone without exception. The whole society can perform actions in the quality of faith. Therefore, we must be more responsible for our deeds, actions, and thoughts.

Question: What kind of faith and actions are we talking about?

Answer: We are talking about faith above reason and about actions of complete bestowal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/16/24, Writing of Baal HaSulam “Why We Need to Extend Hochma

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Israel Are People Aiming for the Creator
Anyone Can Be A Jew
Who Is Responsible For Correction?

We Can’t Be Left Alone

963.4The eagle was sitting on a tree, resting, doing nothing. The little rabbit saw the eagle and asked: “Can I sit like you and do nothing?” “Of course, why not?” he answered. The rabbit sat down under a tree and began to rest. Suddenly a fox appeared, grabbed him and ate him. Moral: To sit and do nothing, you have to sit very, very high (Fable, source unknown).

My Response: Yes, but I don’t think this is the solution to the issue. And the eagle has problems; it has enemies, and it also must defend itself and imagine other conditions.

Question: So it still needs to keep an eye out?

Answer: Definitely. No living being can exist like this, without caring about anything.

Question: When can I allow myself to be at peace?

Answer: Only if, heaven forbid, you are dead.

Question: Is this peace?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: But you always say that the Creator is at rest. And we must move toward peace one way or another.

My Response: For us, this state is death, because we must kill ourselves, our egoism.

Question: Is this state what you mean?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So I have to kill my egoism? And my whole path is to kill it?

Answer: Yes.

Question: But we are all “rabbits”? We can’t be at rest. There is danger everywhere: on the right, on the left, everywhere?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, you say that danger exists precisely because we are, as it were, attached to this egoism. How can we not be a rabbit?

Answer: To do this, we need to know exactly what awaits us, what we must sacrifice, and how to be free. That is, we must study the nature of our world, the nature of the higher world, and the paths of transition from one state to another.

Question: This, in principle, is education?

Answer: Yes. It is not simple. I must remake myself, become a person of the upper world.

Question: How does this peace begin?

Answer: With love your neighbor as yourself. And this is already the height of an eagle.

Question: That is, we can allow ourselves some initial, minimal repose if we come to this rule: love our neighbor as ourselves?

Answer: If we accept it at least theoretically.

Question: Do you think we do not even accept it theoretically?

Answer: No, of course not!

Comment: We talk about it all the time.

My Response: We are talking.

Question: Then what does it mean to accept it, at least theoretically?

Answer: Accept it, that is, begin to look for ways to master this law, this condition, look for how to get out of your egoism, and how to rise above your nature.

Question: To love and not to hate? Peace instead of war, good relationships instead of evil. Although you always say that human nature is different.

Answer: You can’t do anything. Especially in our time, we are already approaching this. We still have to somehow prepare ourselves to move to the next level.

Question: In your opinion, is humanity already at this stage and has lingered on the previous one, or not yet?

Answer: No! We are not at any stage yet!

Question: Have we not realized it, but maybe we are there?

Answer: No, on the contrary, we are beginning to realize what stage we are at and that it is far from ideal.

Question: So since our nature is different do we need to take a step into the abyss?

Answer: This is not a step into the abyss. These are rash actions; they are not welcomed by anyone. On the contrary, we must clearly understand what is in front of us and take an absolutely rational step forward.

Comment: So I know that in front of me is “love your neighbor as yourself,” and that is the only way I am going.

My Response: Yes.

Comment: There will be a lot of interference from all sides, naturally.

My Response: We can overcome them all if it is we.

Question: If it is not me, but we?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Could humanity make this decision at some point from great suffering or from what?

Answer: I have no idea.

Question: Then a small group can?

Answer: A small group can. And I cannot imagine that humanity can.

Question: Is it contagious if a small group comes to this?

Answer: This is the mission of the Jewish people: to become such a group and show all humanity that this is possible.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/30/23

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We Won’t Know Where to Run
Critical Point of Human Development
Why We Love Rest

The Enemies Will Retreat before Our Unity

961.2The war reveals to our people [Israel] that everything depends on our connection. Everyone says that the enemies will retreat in the face our unity and that our separation gives them strength. Let us hope that the unity of the nation will only increase until complete correction without wars.

It is encouraging to see how the people of Israel have suddenly united, how people have begun to appreciate each other. No one needs to explain anything anymore. Every soldier on the front feels that he is in his place and wants to stay there. He feels better among his friends there than among ordinary people in the center of the country.

It is such a difficult path, but we are going through huge corrections, the whole nation is, and are honored with unity. When soldiers come home on leave, they say that real life is there, at the front, and they want to return quickly despite all the danger.

This is a huge lesson for all of us, and let us hope that it will leave an indelible mark in our hearts that will never be forgotten. The main thing is to be with all your heart and soul with those soldiers on the front line and pray for them.

At a time when unity and brotherhood are growing on the front, the discord that existed before the war is beginning again in the rear. But this contrast will help us realize how undesirable disunity is and will help us make the right decision.

To anyone who is fighting against a real, obvious enemy that wants to destroy us and throw us out of our land everything is clear. But there is also an inner enemy, and each of us will have to feel that he is standing against his egoism and must grab it and strangle it.

How can we recognize this inner enemy? It is very easy. Everything in me that helps me get closer to others is my friend, and everything that alienates me and awakens hatred for others is my enemy.

This war has softened the hearts of the people. But the nation of Israel has experienced such terrible catastrophes in its history and still has returned to separation. Let us hope that this time there will be no return to the old habits.
From the 3rd part of  the Daily Kabbalah lesson 1/11/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Writings of the Last Generation”

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