Entries in the 'Israel' Category

Bring Everyone Closer to the Creator


Question: I often feel sorry for the nations of the world, like as for small children because the Creator has not brought them closer to Himself.

What should I do with this feeling?

Answer: It is our task to bring people closer to the Creator. When we are sure that we understand everything correctly and are already at the minimum spiritual level, then we will be able to turn to the people of the world and try to pull them up.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/5/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Man’s Pride Shall Bring Him Low“
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How To Repeat the Miracle of Hanukkah Today

630.2The Hanukkah holiday is dedicated to a miracle that happened to the people of Israel about 2,000 years ago that helped them defeat the enemies who attacked them. But now we do not see a miracle happening, and our people have to fight a constant war. What miracle can we hope for today to defeat the enemies that threaten us?

There is one miracle with which we can change everything; it is our connection. It turns all the minuses into pluses and leads to victory, but only on the condition that the entire people of Israel unite as one man with one heart. Only the lack of connection between the people leads to endless wars.

Therefore, the only advice is to try to connect and understand that our inner strength and victory depend on the power of our connection.

There is already a certain feeling of connection among the people. But it is caused by negative reasons, by a sense of threat and danger, so out of hopelessness we come closer, huddling together like brothers in trouble.

However, we need a completely different connection in which we understand and are confident that with the help of our connection, we will be able to stand against all enemies. This is a connection between people that unites many different currents together, and everyone is ready to connect as one man with one heart because it is only in this form that will we be able to build a vessel for the revelation of the Creator. When the Creator appears between us, no enemy will rise against us.

This war must take place not only from the outside, with an external enemy, but also inside us. We will be able to fully control our destiny by getting closer to each other and connecting.

The upper force allows us to feel this state today, during the Hanukkah holiday. We must recognize the truth that we are not at war with external enemies, but with ourselves, and we must defeat our inner enemy, our egoism. The real problem is in it, and external enemies are just its projection. The salvation of the people depends on how much we are trying to reach our spiritual root. But we have not had such a yearning for thousands of years.

Therefore, we must explain tirelessly that we can win and we will definitely win, but first of all, we must connect. Everyone should step on their egoism and be ready to embrace everyone, any one of the people of Israel.

All this is possible because, in the end, everything depends only on our intention and our efforts. Only this path leads to a successful resolution of the situation in which our people find themselves now. We do not yet understand the danger we are in. The whole world can turn away from us leaving us alone to deal with this threat.

In order to win the war with our enemies, we need first of all to win the war with ourselves, that is, with our egoism. If we stand up against our egoism, against our separation, we will succeed in everything.
External enemies are just puppets with no real power against us. The main thing is to correct the relations among the people of Israel, and in accordance with this, we will see how Israel’s mortal enemies will turn into our best friends.

The seventh of October made a significant change in the people of Israel, but it is still not enough to bring us victory and to win not by defeating external enemies, but by defeating the haters inside us, our egoism. This will be a real victory that will ensure our peace and security.

If we overcome our egoism, stop pushing each other away, and begin to come closer to each other so that the entire people of Israel become friends, then there will be no force in the world that would rise against us.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/14/23, “Unification of the People (Nation)”

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Unsolvable Problem

611Question: Israel is now in a situation where its future is concealed from it. Experts, trying to determine how to proceed say there are bad and very bad decisions.

The next step is as if concealed from us. How can we look directly at this unsolvable problem from the point of view of the country and the point of view of the people?

Answer: I would not say that there are decisions here that are in the hands of the country or people because, in general, no one is interested in this, and no one is engaged in this.

Therefore, regarding Israel and its future, we are all in some kind of free-float. Nothing more can be said about this since we do not understand the laws by which we exist.

We simply see from the past that no matter what we say may be completely unrealistic. So, specifically regarding Israel, this problem is unsolvable.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/27/23

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Seeing The Future And Changing It
There Is No Future Without Unity
The Good Future Is In Mutual Guarantee

Each Has Their Own Privileges

963.5Question: Why did the Creator make the qualities of Israel weaker than the qualities of the 70 nations of the world?

Answer: It is in order for us to turn to Him and ask for correction.

Question: Couldn’t they have been made on equal terms so that there would be some choice?

Answer: I don’t see much difference between Israel and other nations on the earthly degree. This difference is clearly expressed only in spirituality.

There may be a difference in our world, but you can’t say that someone is weaker or worse. It’s not important. Every nation has its own privileges.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/4/23, Writings of Rabash “The Spies“

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The War Of Gog And Magog, Part 4
70 Nations Of The World—Spiritual And Historical Interpretation
Arvut: The Law Of The Common Soul

For the Laws of the Torah to Come to Life in Us

933Question: We once received the Torah on Mount Sinai, and after the destruction of the Second Temple we lost it. Can the same thing happen now? How do we not lose the Torah?

Answer: It was not the loss of the Torah, but the shattering of the common soul.

This happened because we were using the laws of the Torah incorrectly. But as soon as we unite, these laws will come to life within us again.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/4/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Arvut [Mutual Guarantee]“

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From The Giving Of The Torah To The Giver Of The Torah
Celebrating The Giving Of The Light
Preparation For Receiving The Torah: The Light Of Correction

“Who Is the Biggest Enemy of Israel?” (Times of Israel)

Michael Laitman on the Times of Israel: “Who Is the Biggest Enemy of Israel?

There is currently widespread sympathy for Palestinians, which in many cases leads to a one-sided stance against Israel. Several countries have taken drastic steps: some have recalled their ambassadors, while certain large websites in China have gone as far as erasing Israel from maps. In Columbia, there were celebrations staged in support of Hamas. There are even instances like Spain announcing a solidarity strike in their education system for Gaza. After an immense display of support for Israel following the tragic attacks on October 7, how did the tide turn so quickly?

Hatred spreads effortlessly. This trend was not unforeseen; it was brewing beneath the surface. The current actions against Israel in several nations thus come as no surprise.

The question on the lips of many Israelis and Israel supporters is indeed how can this negative perception be altered? The answer is in our own attitudes toward each other.

On the surface, the protests against Israel are in relation to Israel’s offensive in Gaza. However, it is not the core reason. They awaken in such a way because of our inadequate treatment of each other.

Something is stirring within them, an awakening not of earthly origin but seemingly from the heavens. It is a call for us, as Jews, to unite, to stand as brothers, to draw closer together.

If we manage to come together, our unity will resonate and calm the opposing forces incited against us. It is not a battle of “us versus them.” It is rather a battle of us against a higher force that seeks our unity.

This higher force, in its intricate plan, desires for us to come together like a single family. If we make no moves in this unifying direction, then adversaries appear as instruments through which the higher force tries to convey this message to us.

One way or another, we will need to realize our unity. The conflict we face is not solely with external threats like terrorists. It is an internal struggle, a battle against our own discord.

Therefore, while we are at war, we need to proceed with what is necessary on the ground. Yet, concurrently, we should focus on harnessing all of our energies to combat anything that divides the people of Israel.

“How Can Israel Sustain its Newfound Unity after a Year of Division?” (Times of Israel)

Michael Laitman on the Times of Israel: “How Can Israel Sustain its Newfound Unity after a Year of Division?

Since the October 7 attack, we are not expressing hatred toward each other because our pain is much greater. But we are not far from how things were before October 7. We could return to that previous state in a matter of days.

It is also important to note that our divisiveness throughout the year weakened us and strengthened those who wished to attack us. A captured Hamas terrorist who participated in the October 7 attacks stated how the ongoing protests and demonstrations in Israel encouraged Hamas during their preparations for the attack.

When outside influences that pressure the formation of our unity move away, internal feelings of hatred resurface. We might believe that coming closer during tough times lets us develop while maintaining that closeness. However, this idea is incorrect.

We need to undergo a reset and rebuild our unity from scratch, without external pressure dictating our actions but out of our own choice to live in a common connection to each other, with a spirit of unity, support, care, encouragement and closeness dwelling in our relations.

When we are in a conflict of opinions, we need to equally respect those who we are against, acknowledging that they might also be right and have their own opinions, and that their opinions represent other people and citizens. Thus, we indeed should take heed to treat each other with more kindness.

Unity means that we are ready to set aside our own opinions in order to unite with others.

The Creator Has No Preferences

630.2Question: The Creator sent the Torah to all the people of Israel. Why did He open the way to Him only to Kabbalists?

Answer: The Creator has done everything so that anyone who wants to can approach Him.

If we don’t understand this now, we will eventually find out that He has no preference for one person over another, a man over a woman, one nation over another, and so on. Otherwise, it would not be the Torah, but something invented by people.

Believe me, the more you reveal the universe and everything that the Creator has created, the more you will be convinced that there are no preferences, no cronyism, nothing.

It all depends on the person himself who advances only in accordance with his efforts. So good luck to you in approaching the Creator and making sure that He treats everyone exactly the same.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/17/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is Support in the Torah, in the Work?”

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We Need to Destroy Everything that Separates Us

962.3Question: There is an anecdote about a plane that crashes, and one passenger survives and gets to an island. Cannibals live there and they grab him and bring him to their leader, the chief. It turns out that the chief is an intelligent, attractive man of European appearance.

The passenger tells him: “You are a person of European education; you are so cultured. Have you not been influenced by civilization?!” The leader answers him: “Of course I have been influenced by it. When I eat you, I will use a plate, a fork, and all sorts of seasonings. Everything will be very smart.”

The question is this. We see that civilization has not stopped wars and has not stopped horrors. In theory, what should be the purpose of civilization?

Answer: We need to change all this from the inside. Only from the inside. That is, civilization is what happens inside, within a person.

Question: Within a person? This is a coup, of course.

Answer: There are no coups; there have not been any yet. But eventually, at some point, we have to come to that.

Comment: Right now with all this horror that is happening, with all these wars, with all this barbarism…

My Response: There is no horror, just people demonstrating who they are by nature. It is egoism, just human egoism. It needs to be corrected. Nothing else! Human egoism is not balanced everywhere, not in any country or in any system of the world.

Therefore, if you give people the freedom to devour each other with impunity, you will see how barbaric they are. That’s it!

Comment: But they will still use a spoon, fork, and plate.

My Response: Yes, it is a habit.

Question: Are you saying that they will use this civilization, but they will eat each other at the same time?

Answer: Yes.

Question: You said that civilization should happen inside a person. Please explain these words “civilization inside a person.” What should happen inside a person?

Answer: Imagine that you are in a stadium, and there are, say, a million people there. Do you have any idea what kind of a sight this is?

Comment: I imagine. Such a mass that is rooting for someone.

My Response: They are rooting for someone, for something, against someone, and so on. Do you think you can change them to be in a pleasant way toward each other?

Question: If they support different teams?

Answer: Of course. Who else goes to the stadium? Only because there is such a struggle there.

Comment: Hardly.

My Response: Hardly? That is, we see that humanity has practically not changed. It is in this form that it manifests itself.

Question: In the form that someone is rooting for someone, and he is already ready to eat the other?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And then what? If we are talking about a change in a person, what then? Should they start rooting for the same team?

Answer: No, I would just ban such events. Completely! All of such competitive actions.

Question: Are you now speaking against any competition?

Answer: Any. Because they make people hate the opposite side. This is the basis of civilization: we are better, we are wiser, we are more correct, we are stronger, and so on.

Question: What, in your opinion, should happen at the stadium in this case?

Answer: Some kind of games, but not one against the other.

Question: Do you include wars, different opinions, politics, and everything here?

Answer: Absolutely everything! People have to learn completely different relations. But they, on the contrary, go somewhere else from here. They are only engaged in competing with each other: who is better, who is bigger, who is stronger, who is more afraid of whom, and so on.

Comment: Then, speaking globally, there is a country with its borders, its anthem, its flag…

My Response: Destroy everything that separates people from each other!

Question: But first of all, within these boundaries, is it necessary for people to undergo some kind of correction?

Answer: Naturally, it should be a campaign for correction.

Question: Is the goal that the borders will fall? A long-range goal. What is today’s task?

Answer: Today’s task is for everyone to go against themselves.

Question: If we manage this task, will it then be possible to open borders?

Answer: Of course! There is no question about it.

Question: Then what does it mean to “go against myself”?

Answer: To go against yourself is to go against your egoism, against hatred of others. This is our task.

Question: What if I feel this hatred? How should I extinguish it? This exists in every person.

Answer: Educate people so that they are closer to each other, so that they love each other, and so that they feel that they depend on each other all the time. Not in a bad way that otherwise he would attack me, but in a good way.

Question: Should humanity have the goal that one way or another we should come to a family of nations?

Answer: This is what we have to come to.

Question: Will there be no people then and no nations then?

Answer: There will be none of this.

Question: Can you tell me what will be?

Answer: There will be one nation on the whole earth.

Comment: I really want to believe in it and live like this.

My Response: Only in this way will we be able to reach some kind of future correct state.

Question: Then what was the mistake of the Utopians who wanted to build such cities?

Answer: They thought to do it purely mechanically, without educating a person, without waiting for him to change. But this, of course, was utopia.

Question: Is the entire problem of utopians and those who dream of unity that they do not come to the fact that there is this evil in us?

Answer: Yes. Today we are getting rid of this last communist utopia.

Question: Do you think that with this current state, with all this madness, something will turn around in a person after all?

Answer: At least it seems that we are in a period of reformation.

Comment: That is, these horrors, these wars, everything that is happening…

My Response: All this should convince us that this is the wrong way, that you will not take anything by force, you will not win anything and you will never justify yourself in any way.

Question: Is this what you call civilization?

Answer: Civilization is when people understand that the most important thing is a good connection between them. That’s all.

Question: Where is the Creator here? Where is the upper force that you talk about all the time?

Answer: When we put good above evil, we build the Creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/19/23

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Antisemitism as a Law of Nature

515.02The prime defense against calamity is love and unity. When there are love, unity, and friendship between each other in Israel, no calamity can come over them (Maor VaShemesh – Light and Sun).

Question: Today, most countries of the world support Hamas, even though Israel has given so much to the world and we have never been the first to attack. Something irrational is happening that defies logic.

Even in Western countries, the most progressive segments of society condemn Israel and say that it is an apartheid state. In other words, universally accepted principles of equality, truth, and justice obscure all the facts that we see. How would you explain this?

Answer: I will explain it very simply. The hatred that exists among the nations of the world toward Jews overrides everything. Everywhere! Absolutely!

Anti-Semitism acts as a law of nature. If Jews are not united, then supernatural forces are activated, and all our facts and evidence lose their basis. There will be no peace until Jews will change.

Anti-Semitism is eternal and inevitable, and there is no way to escape from it. Only if we change, will the Creator change others.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/29/23

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