External and Internal Wars

601.02Question: In Hebrew “army” is called “tzava” – “tze ve bo”, which means entry and exit from the power of the evil principle, i.e., our egoism.

When a person fights with it, he is either under the power of egoism, or comes out of it. Can we say that the most important thing is the work process itself, and the result of the war is not important? Or is winning still important?

Answer: The result is very important to us! But besides this, we need to understand why the war occurs, its reason, in what case it can stop, and so on. We must learn to work with this correctly.

Question: Does the result of war depend on the Creator or on people?

Answer: It is always from the Creator. The result depends on how much our plans and desires coincide with the Creator. And then there will be no defeat.

Question: For an external war, are the same principles true as in war with the evil inclination of man?

Answer: Yes. If a person wins a war with an evil inclination within himself, he can thereby win a war that has already manifested itself in the outside world.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/29/23

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