Rigid Governance

235Question: In one of the articles, Baal HaSulam writes that during a war there are states when governance is transferred to a destructive force, which then is manifested in the corporeal world.

Then this can no longer be corrected; you have to wait for time to pass. This happened during World War II, during the Holocaust.

What kind of destructive force is this?

Answer: This is the enormous force of the Creator, which He decides to use in educating people. Then bad conditions descend on humanity, and the Creator begins to deal with people according to the strict law.

Question: Baal HaSulam writes that when governance has already been transferred to this destructive force, even prayers do not help. Before this, you could correct something, pray, and somehow change the situation, but when the destructive force is manifested in matter, nothing helps. There are many such cases in history. Or is there still something that can be done?

Answer: Of course, there is. We still have to do something despite the circumstances. But we must not forget that there is a good time and an evil time.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/29/23

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