Questions About Spiritual Work—5

938.01Question: You said that when you give your friends freedom of action, then you will be free yourself. How can we give friends the greatness of the Creator correctly, so as not to put pressure on them or take away their freedom?

Answer: Open your heart to your friends and let the Creator influence them through your heart as He wishes.

Question: When we gather with our friends, we can see how selfish everyone is; they do not want to unite and exalt the Creator. But when everyone makes efforts on themselves and restricts their egoism, it turns out that everyone wants to work for Him and exalt Him. Can this common desire be considered a revelation of the Creator and His greatness?

Answer: No. On your part, this is a certain rapprochement with the Creator, but absolutely not His revelation in you and not equivalence of form.

Question: It is written that the work itself is the reward. And it is like we were waiting for something else.

Answer: You are waiting for the appearance of the Creator’s qualities in yourself.

Question: Rabash says that in order to annul one’s egoism, everyone in the ten must acquire the force of the whole ten. How can we do it?

Answer: It is very simple. Put everything together and share among everyone. It turns out that you form a ten, although, let’s say there are only four of you, and everyone has the strength of a ten. That is when you can perfectly, easily, annul your egoism.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/30/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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