Every Time the Truth Is New

219.01Question: What is the truth, if according to Kabbalah, everyone lives in a delusion?

Answer: The truth is what, in my current state, seems true to me today, because it coincides with my feeling, perception, understanding, and with what I am used to and what I know. At the moment, this clearly fits into my internal matrix, and therefore, it is true for me.

The only question is, do I understand that this is about myself? Then I exist normally in clear planes.

Suppose Newtonian mechanics exist in certain planes. And there is also the mechanics of Einstein, and the geometry of Lobachevsky, Riemann, and Euclid. That is, everything is relative. There is nothing absolute in nature since everything comes from a person who perceives the world in his way. And although he was created this way, while changing, he anyway perceives the world in a different way, and therefore, truths change from century to century.

For example, when the car was invented, everyone said that practically it could not operate faster than 10 km per hour because a man would experience sensations in the brain that could drive him crazy. This shows how we perceive everything relatively.

Nothing is absolute. I often give the example my teacher RABASH gave. When you see an airplane or some kind of bird flying in the sky, how do you know if it is 20 cm long or half a meter?! Or maybe it is 200 meters long, but from a distance it seems small to you. Therefore, until you have measured it, until you have precisely attained it, or until you have specific and absolute measurements in relation to you, you cannot talk about it, or anything for that matter. And even when you measure, you measure everything in relation to yourself.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Where Is the Truth?” 8/27/11

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