There Is Only One Gate to a Happy Life

715Comment: Alexander writes: “You say that over time all evil will disappear. Then why has it not disappeared to this day? Many generations have changed over thousands of years; we should have been reborn into better people, but the evil has only increased. Somehow your formula does not work.”

My Response: My formula can work only when we try all the possible outcomes, that is, when we make sure that nothing works! Nothing.

Then we will understand that we have no solution except to just treat each other as relatives. Not as our relatives today, since it is also egoistic when we think of them, but our relatives as ourselves, “love your neighbor as yourself.”

Question: Does this mean that over time all evil will disappear?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Should we just poke in all directions that we can?

Answer: Absolutely!

Question: Why can we not be given even some tiny hole to get through?

Answer: We would run into some kind of Leninism again.

Question: Will nothing happen until we go through all the roads and all the paths and run into a dead end everywhere?

Answer: In general, yes. Such is our egoism. It must make sure that there is no other way but love for the other.

Question: Is this kind of work on wear and tear here?

Answer: This is what love means—”love your neighbor as yourself.” When I have tried everything, and only this gate is open.

Question: How will I come to this formula? You are now saying, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” but let’s say I cannot hear you. How do I come to the conclusion that this is the gate that I need to enter?

Answer: You will see this gate before your nose and realize that there can be no other gate! There is nothing besides this gate, just emptiness.

Question: Is this what is written by the great Kabbalists, that you go and there is no gate? You walk along the wall, and there is no gate. And suddenly at some point, when you are exhausted, you suddenly see the gate. And it turns out that it always was there.

Answer: Yes.

Question: And I did not see it?

Answer: No.

Question: What did I need in order to see it? It was always there, it just was!

Answer: There was not enough disappointment.

Question: Should I be disappointed in everything?

Answer: Absolutely. In everything! So that only one thing remains—adhesion, brotherhood. We do not know what it is. We all use some kinds of substitutes and surrogates. But then we will feel it.

Question: Can you at least give a hint? It is clear that if we do not feel, we will not be able to hear you. But what do you mean by brotherhood?

Answer: Brotherhood is when we are all in the same desire, intention, and in complete adhesion and connection, unity everyone with everyone. We return again to the system called Adam as one person in one body, in one heart. This is the correct future.

It should be before us! This is how this future should stand before me as an obvious, achievable, and necessary state.

Comment: You have just depicted what we must come to after all the wanderings and disappointments.

My Response: That is why they are needed, to come to such a state.

Question: Isn’t that idealism?

Answer: This is not idealism, it is precisely the system of self-education.

Question: But am I inside this system?

Answer: I am inside this system, but I need to find my identification with it, meaning that I should be in it, participate in every aspect of it, and I want it to become reality.

Question: Are we, in principle, still inside this system, broken, scattered, searching, and suffering?

Answer: But we have to agree with it. We need to want it to be manifested, and not remain in this fog, in the form of a negative, as it is today.

Question: So, are we required to manifest this?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/29/23

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