Moving Toward A Common Goal

laitman_963.8Rabash, Writings of Rabash, the article “The Agenda of the Assembly 2”: Accordingly, when one comes to the assembly of friends, he should always see whether or not the friends have the goal that he craves, that each of them has some grip on that goal. And he thinks that by everyone bonding together for one goal, each will have his own share, as well as the shares of the whole of society. It follows that each member of the society will have the same strength as the whole of society together.

In spirituality, it is clearly seen that if we are included in each other everyone gets the sum of all the forces from the rest. No one gains this at the expense of others because the total power they accumulate and combine in themselves is gained by each of them.

This is an amazing law of spiritual balance when everyone can dispose of all the forces, all the qualities and corrections made by the group.

Question:  Rabash writes: “And he thinks that by everyone bonding together for one goal, each will have his own share.” What does this mean?

Answer: Everyone will have their full part of the goal since union is distinguished by the fact that the Creator exists inside of it. Therefore, it cannot be that what you receive is at somebody else’s expense.

Question: In the article it is written that a person should be on guard when he comes to the assembly of friends. What does it mean to be on guard? In relation to whom?

Answer: You must clearly understand why you are coming, what you should bestow from yourself, and what you get from others. The assembly of friends is very serious work.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/27/18

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