Audio Version Of The Blog – 6/1/24

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Raise Faith above Reason

567.01Question: What does it mean to be in the properties of bestowal, in the properties of faith based on reason, above reason?

Answer: This means that you do not take into account reason, knowledge, but only faith above reason and act in this property.

You need to clearly understand what your egoism requires of you, limit it, and include only those properties that are higher than the ego.

Question: Does the ten receive faith first and then each receives private faith from it? Or do we add up our private faiths into the ten and get the faith of the ten on a different level?

Answer: We receive a common faith, and we share it among us according to our efforts.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/11/24, Writings of Rabash “The Reason for the Faith”

Related Material:
Move to Faith Above Reason
How Do You Reach Faith Above Reason?
Progress In “Faith Above Reason”

The Purpose of Dissemination

938.05Comment: You say that dissemination depends on our internal unity. In theory, we want to convey some information. We gather together to do this.

My Response: We gather together for dissemination in order to unite and to find between us precisely the properties that connect us: mutual bestowal, mutual support, mutual guarantee, flexibility, connection, common bonding, even love.

We wish to clarify these properties. Why do we need all this? In order to then reveal the same properties in the rest of the world because the rest of the entire world (inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human nature), the entire mass represents the huge desire that must be completely, organically connected into one whole.

Then in this unified desire that is connected through common efforts, we will feel the property of bestowal and love, which we implement together. And this property of bestowal and love implemented jointly by us is called the Creator.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Meaning of Kabbalah Dissemination” 2/12/12

Related Material:
Dissemination Is Spiritual Work
Pass the Light to the World
Passing On The Light In A Chain

Prayer from the Common Connection

942Question: Based on our discussions, it seems important for us to reveal the Creator because we were chosen for this.

We should simply accept this as a fact and from this state form a prayer. What is special about such a prayer?

Answer: The fact that you want to find contact with the Creator and only through this contact, connection with Him.

Question: If I send a prayer to the Creator every morning after having united the hearts of all my friends by name into one heart, does this prayer have the power of the ten? How strong is this prayer even though I do it alone?

Answer: Ideally you should try to feel the response of the Creator in your common connection in the ten. If you persistently try to do this, you will start to feel it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/14/24, Writings of Rabash “Those of Little Faith”

Related Material:
The Quality of Prayer
Prayer from a Pure Heart
Prayer Opens the Heart

Increase the Feeling of Unity

938.07Question: When we listen to an article together, it goes through our feelings like music. But when we read it independently, we want to stop. Why?

Answer: Because you lose the support of your friends as you step out of that state.

Therefore, you need to persistently increase the state of unity within the ten.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/11/24, Writings of Rabash “The Reason for the Faith”

Related Material:
Delve into the Sources
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How Does One Read Kabbalistic Texts?