Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/31/24

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How Can We Strengthen Faith in the Creator?

237Question: What is the difference in work in faith above reason during descents and during ascents?

Answer: In descents, I do not have much faith above reason; it is hard for me to fulfill these conditions. That is why this state is called a descent. In an ascent, I am ready to do everything because I have strength, enthusiasm, and joy.

Question: How can we correctly add to the greatness of the Creator, and what is the practice that contributes to the growth of faith?

Answer: We must add the greatness of the Creator correctly in any state. We need to always strive for this.

If you act together with your friends, it increases and strengthens your faith in the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/13/24, Writings of Rabash “Knowledge and Faith”

Related Material:
Faith in the Creator
Believing In The Creator’s Greatness
The Greatness Of The Creator

The Meaning of the Dissemination of Kabbalah

963.3Question: What does disseminating Kabbalah give a person?

Answer: The real dissemination is attracting souls and desires detached from you to unity and further working with them to achieve unity.

A person disseminates the idea of global unity to those desires that feel as if they were outside of him.

As soon as they begin to perceive it, he engages with them in studying, in unification, and then does everything to come together with them to one whole.

In principle, dissemination itself goes according to the inner desire to unite with everyone. But, beside this, external work is also necessary because you otherwise cannot approach a person at all.

Therefore, you need to give him something external because we live in a corporeal world, that is, in such desires that manifest between us in the form of projections of bodies, objects, books, computers, and so on.

We must use these projections of desires in our imagination, that is, tangible objects and matter. We should use it the way it is perceived by us, although in reality it does not exist; it is simply depicted to us by our desires.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Meaning of Kabbalah Dissemination” 2/12/12

Related Material:
Dissemination Is Spiritual Work
Practical Kabbalah Is Fulfilled In Our Generation
Everything Depends On The Dissemination Of Kabbalah

The Subtle Aspiration of the Soul

221.0Question: Faith is like another planet. The importance of the Creator and awe of Him are understandable states. But what do we build faith out of? Out of what is close to us: patience, consistency, or something else?

Answer: This question cannot be answered briefly. Chazon Ish writes in the book Faith and Confidence that faith is called the subtle aspiration of the soul.

Question: Can we say that the quality of faith chooses itself when a person is ready and is transmitted to him in full? It is not me who attracts it, but it chooses me?

Answer: Yes, it descends on you. Correct.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/11/24, Writings of Rabash “The Reason for the Faith”

Related Material:
Faith Is A Vessel Of Bestowal
Kabbalah And Faith
Faith According To Kabbalah

The Force of Connecting with the Teacher

961.2Question: When we nullify ourselves toward the teacher, it is as if we are included in his screen. There is a feeling that this happens outside of matter, that even the pain of the physical body is not as significant as this construction.

The spiritual we are building is a force without matter, right?

Answer: This is the force of your connection with the teacher, with the next degree in general.

By connecting to the teacher, you are connecting to his knowledge and faith. That is, you connect to him in faith above reason, like a small one to a big one.

Question: You are our teacher. But there is also Rabash, Baal HaSulam, the Creator, in this case, do we mean our direct teacher?

Answer: You connect, for example, to me, meaning that I connect to Rabash, Baal HaSulam, and the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/8/24, Writings of Rabash “Faith and Reason”

Related Material:
Following The Teacher Who Sees The Way
Devotion To The Teacher
The Connection Between Teacher And Student

What Can I Do if I Hate This World?

423.03Dina writes:

What should I do with my hatred for this world? Many people feel this way today. People hate this world! They hate it! And many even ask: “Why was I born? Why bring a child into this world?” 

My Response: But it is true. The time is coming when a person will be utterly disappointed with this world. Human egoism is growing and it cannot be filled. People do not know what to fill it with. So every day they live feels forced and unsatisfactory.

Question: What can be done about it?

Answer: Nothing!

Question: Just sit doing nothing?

Answer: Do nothing.

Comment: But still living in this state all the time, I don’t know about that.

My Response: I understand this state. Especially in my younger years, I had many such states: what to live for, why live?

Question: Is the basis of this hatred toward this world, which you do not understand?

Answer: No, it is hatred for the emptiness that this world evokes in you.

Question: But still, first is there a reason for this happening in one way or another?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Today you are certainly relaying and understanding that something is happening to people. And people hate this world for a reason. Why?

Answer: It is to make this world better for you and for others.

Question: Is that what we need to come to?

Answer: The solution exists, but everyone must find it for themselves.

Question: So you are saying that that is why people are brought to such a state?

Answer: Yes.

Question: You also say that this world was given to us by the Creator. We see it this way because He wants us to see it like this?

Answer: Yes, the Creator desires our sound decision about how I perceive the world and how I want to see and feel it.

So that during my lifetime in this world I would make myself into such a being who approaches the Creator with my thoughts, aspirations, and so on. The Creator, having created this world, gave me the opportunity to reveal Him in order to rise above it.

Question: And what do I see? What am I revealing? For now, I am revealing this world that I hate.

Answer: To reveal the hated world in order to rise above it, from a doomed, dreadful, egoistic world to a kind, beautiful world.

Question: So, will I see it like that then?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, if my aspiration is to turn this hatred into another state, to see this world differently, if I constantly, mechanically repeat this, will it work even mechanically?

Answer: It will work even mechanically. For this, I must radically change my attitude toward the world, toward people, toward everything.

Question: By force?

Answer: By force. It is not easy. This is the self-improvement work described by Kabbalah.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/15/24

Related Material:
Hatred Of People
“Why Do We Hate?”
What Is Hatred?

Once upon a Death March

566.01Question: You have a student, and I have a very close friend, Gilad Shadmon, who has been with us for 30 years.

His father was in Auschwitz and at the age of 15 he was evacuated as part of the Death March from Auschwitz in 1945. The remaining living prisoners were marched to other camps across Poland. People died of hunger and exhaustion during the forced march and many were shot along the way.

His father recounted that he was with 12 teenagers, 15-year-olds. They were terribly hungry, but when they got hold of a piece of bread, they decided that each would take a small piece and pass it on to the next.

He was one of the first, almost a whole piece of bread was passed to him. At that moment when he was biting into it, he felt: “I cannot hold back, I will eat the whole piece.” But he restrained himself, and everyone else did too. Each took a small piece and passed it on.

This story impressed me a lot. Why do you think he restrained himself, this absolutely ravenous teenager?

Answer: Because he was connected to his friends. What else could have restrained him? And so he held back.

Question: So this is real connection?

Answer: Yes, it does not allow a person—to the point where they would just die on the spot.

Question: So this state of connection you just mentioned, it is higher than everything, right? Higher than hunger, higher than death.

Answer: Probably. I do not know, I have not experienced it. I cannot say.

Question: But you still have confidence that this happened precisely because of that? He saw these guys standing next to him and felt it?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Although it is known that starving people—and there are many examples in history—forget everything, even their closest relatives. It is an instinct, they start eating. They are not to blame maybe, those people?

Answer: No.

Question: But here, these are teenagers. Is there still something in this?

Answer: At that age, people can neglect themselves. Adults, not anymore. And younger than that age, children of course, no. But teenagers, yes.

Question: So, something in adults still dies out? And teenagers still feel that there is a future in this connection?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Another question. These were starving people, and we are well-fed today. We do not think about others, that is, those who are hungry, and so on. And even teenagers today who are well-fed do not think about other hungry people.

Why? What happened? Do we need to see it for ourselves, or what? What is needed?

Answer: No, these are completely different circumstances, different areas of consciousness are activated in us, the well-fed. And therefore, we cannot be compared with them.

Comment: So you cannot say: “There was such nobility there…”

Answer: No! You cannot mechanically transfer that.

Question: You cannot compare?

Answer: No.

Question: Can this be called nobility? In the Russian language, there is such a lofty word as “nobility.”

Answer: I do not know if it is nobility. Life just does it like that.

Question: So at that moment comes the realization that connection is everything, above life and death, above everything—connection?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Sooner or later will humanity, the world, come to feel that that is everything?

Answer: It will come.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/8/24

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The World Is a Reflection of a Person’s Inner State
We All Live For The Sake Of Others
Do Good to the World

Questions about Spiritual Work—128

560Question: The more I immerse in the primary sources, the more I realize I am a quality or a detail set for general correction. How can I stop being afraid that the Creator will tell me I am not qualified?

Answer: He will not say that. While a person works, while a person wants to rise even closer to the Creator, the Creator does not throw him off.

Question: It is said that the Creator made Him feared. I disagree with that. I feel He is waiting for us to fill the emptiness with love, benevolence, and gratitude for being here, right?

Answer: Yes, this is not the fear of this world, but awe.

Question: Is faith above reason built by our mind, or is it an action against what the mind shows?

Answer: Faith above reason means that in your appeal or your imagination, bestowal, love, and connection are higher than their opposite properties.

Question: You said that there are sins, big and small. Does a sin that cannot be corrected exist?

Answer: There may be sins that cannot be corrected. But I cannot even imagine what kind of sins they might be because the Creator can do everything.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/10/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Pomegranate”

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—127
Questions about Spiritual Work—126
Questions about Spiritual Work—125

There Is Nothing Left for Us to Do in This World

627.2Alexander writes:

I am not married, and I have never really had true friends. A year ago, I started watching your programs and realized why this is happening to me. I demanded too much from others when I should have demanded it from myself. But it seems too late to change now. I meet someone, things seem good, and then suddenly I feel intense irritation and I cannot control myself. I say something harsh or just disappear, avoiding meetings. I cannot overcome myself. And it all ends. I have been to psychologists, even to a psychiatrist and a fortune-teller, but it keeps repeating. I do not know what to do.

Question: What advice can you give him?

Answer: The only advice one can give is to find a group that would support and involve him in connection between them, between all the group members and with the Creator. He should see examples of connection between people and how they rise toward connection with the Creator, and this will set him on the right path.

Comment: You are already moving toward connection with the Creator, such a group that seeks connection with the Creator.

My Response: Absolutely, yes. He must understand that this is exactly what he needs.

Comment: That is, at the level of our world: make friends here, be together here, and here…

My Response: No, that is no longer relevant.

Comment: To live normally, to meet someone, to finally get married.

My Response: Let him connect with those who are given to him from above and realize the correct connection.

Comment: So you are saying his connection should be with those who want to rise to the degree of the Creator, to rise above this world, and not with those who want to settle in this world.

My Response: Exactly.

Question: Will all this continue to expand further? Should we specifically seek such groups? There are sciences in this world, psychology…

Answer: We have to finish up everything in this world. Complete as much as possible and leave nothing for later.

To complete in this world means striving for connection between us and with the Creator and for all this to come into its correct form.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/8/24

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A Life in Which It Is Difficult to Find Meaning
Where Should One Seek The Meaning Of Life?
What Am I Living For?

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 5/31/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “Letter 12-1, 12-2”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Sulam Commentary,” Item 14

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3rd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Matan Torah (Giving of the Torah),” Item 8

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Selected Highlights

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