Faith in the Creator

243.04Question: Why can one only adhere to the Creator in the attribute of attainment and not in the attribute of faith?

Answer: In the attribute of faith one cannot adhere with the Creator because faith is achieved by the desire to bestow that rises from below upward toward the Creator, and attainment is given from above downward.

Faith in the Creator is the quality of bestowal, the quality of love, through which we wish to fulfill, delight, and give pleasure to our friends.

Question: How can I determine if my feeling is truly faith in the Creator?

Answer: It is impossible to explain. You will get this feeling within yourself and understand.

Question: Is faith alone enough to enter the land of Israel, into the upper Malchut?

Answer: Faith alone is not enough because it requires the desire to receive, the desire to bestow, the correct balance between them, and, based on this, the quality of bestowal from below upward.

The middle line is the result of the correct combination of the right and left lines.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/4/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Three Lines”

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