Do Good to the World

519Question: In article 117, “Labored and Did Not Find? Do Not Believe” from Baal HaSulam’s book Shamati, it says: “That is, the sorrow, called “labor,” makes the Kli [vessel], so one can be awarded the reward.”

How can we understand that it is suffering that creates the Kli? What does suffering have to do with it?

Answer: Suffering means that I find myself unable to fill the Creator and therefore suffer.

Question: Regarding the suffering in the group, I somehow figured it out myself. But people around me are suffering. Could you advise me how to work with this?

Answer: Think about what you will do to make the Creator feel good about it. Act in such a way as to give pleasure to the Creator. And then you will see that through these actions you are doing good to the whole world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/26/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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