If I Am the Worst of All

629.3Question: In the article “When the Creator Loves a Person,” Rabash writes that a person can experience a state where he feels he is worse than the rest of the people. Such feelings are a gift from the Creator.

If I feel with respect to the group that I am the worst of all and that they are advancing, I need to integrate with this group, but it seems to me that I will pull them down, I will harm them, and slow them down. If I feel that I am the worst of all, then how can I be useful to the group? How can I integrate with it correctly?

Answer: Any person is useful to his group, even if he is the worst. We learn from the Creator. There is a person who is useful in himself, and there is a person who transforms himself from harmful to useful, and then, in principle, he is doubly useful. We need to pay attention to where he comes from and how he changes, this is his merit.

Comment: What if a person meanwhile ran away, distanced himself from the group, and then felt that he did not finish something, did not complete it, that he had to stay in the group and make an effort? How can we work with this?

My Response: You will still have the opportunity to correct this at the next levels. Do not worry. Do not think about the past, always think about the future.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/20/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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