Questions about Spiritual Work—105

290Question When reading Kabbalistic sources, should we strive to feel what the author wrote or feel the Creator?

Answer: We need to be as close to the author as possible.

Question: What is the best way to read The Book of Zohar, alone or in the ten?

Answer: It is better in the ten. At Rabash’s, we also read in the ten and took turns.

Question: Should I try to read our sources more often during the day?

Answer: Yes, even piece by piece, paragraph by paragraph.

Question: If the Creator complicates my material life, does it mean He complicates the task in the spiritual?

Answer: No, maybe, on the contrary, He wants to attract you.

Question: What does it mean to spend time usefully during the day after the morning lesson?

Answer: This means repeating at least the same texts that we studied.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/29/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Looking in the Book Again”

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