One within the Other

571.03Question: If the Torah and the Creator are one, why do we perceive them as opposites during the work?

Answer: We do not perceive the Torah and the Creator as opposites, we perceive them as one within the other.

When we talk about qualities, we refer to the Creator; when we talk about actions or what we want to achieve, we refer to the Torah, the light that influences us and brings us to the desired result.

Question: How should we correctly organize work in the group during the study when we feel this light? How do we correctly bestow it back to the Creator?

Answer: When we act among ourselves in the ten, try to come closer, unite, and hope to do so through our efforts as described in the articles about the group, then we begin to reveal the light within us, and in our unity, we try to direct it toward the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Torah and the Creator Are One”

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