The State of Smallness Is Justifying the Actions of the Creator

962.2Question: If the state of smallness (Katnut) is the foundation of the degrees and should be constant, while the state of greatness (Gadlut) is only an addition, how should one constantly prepare for the state of smallness?

Answer: We attain the state of smallness from understanding that, first and foremost, we must justify the Creator for all His actions toward us. Then we should strive for the state of greatness (Gadlut).

The correct state of smallness is reached when we do not ask for more than what we need to justify the Creator in all His actions.

Question: Can the correct outcome of this state be a prayer of gratitude?

Answer: Yes.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Matter of Limitation”

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States Of Smallness (Katnut) And Greatness (Gadlut)
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