States Of Smallness (Katnut) And Greatness (Gadlut)

509The article, “The Rose” in the Introduction of The Book of Zohar says that a rose has two states: Smallness (Katnut) and Greatness (Gadlut).

A state of smallness is the beginning of its creation when it contains only the Sefira Keter. This state is called “a rose among the thorns.”

The state of greatness is called plainly “a rose” or “the assembly of Israel,” when all negative qualities grow and are transformed into positive ones.

Thorns symbolize our negative qualities. When we want to turn on each other with our thorns, we begin to understand that our positive growth lies in our correct attitude toward each other with our petals.

The state of smallness (Katnut) is when we stop using our negative qualities. It is called smallness because in this state we cannot receive the upper light. The state of greatness (Gadlut) is when we bloom like a rose, and through wishing each other good, love, and mutual assistance, we ascend to the level of the Creator.

In other words, as Rabbi Akiva said, “Love your neighbor” is the state of greatness when you can use all your desires for the sake of others. When you simply do not harm anyone, this is the state of smallness, in which you kind of restrain yourself, as if limiting yourself with the thorns of a rose.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 6/4/23

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