Are We Fighting to the Death or to Victory?

962.2Question: A man is walking through the market, and a dealer in fighting roosters shouts to him: “Buy my rooster, he fights to the death.”

“Why do I need a rooster that fights to death? I need one who fights to win,” the buyer replies.

Basically our whole life is full of fighting: small and big fights and so on. Are we fighting to the death or to victory after all?

Answer: If we only knew. The most important thing for us is to understand what is required of us.

Question: So by and large we don’t know the purpose?

Answer: No, we don’t know.

Question: Then how should we conduct these battles? Let it be our cockfights, but how should we conduct them?

Answer: We just need to imagine what we want to win, what will happen when we, we or our rivals, enemies, win. It is only going to get worse. Along the way, we will destroy many of both. As a result, there will be devastated countries, people killed, and so on.

Question: Is this a victory or defeat?

Answer: Whether it will be a victory, I do not know.

Question: So often, and maybe even almost always, our victories turn out to be our defeats?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, what will turn out to be a victory then?

Answer: When we realize that we need to get closer, connect, and put things in order together in ourselves and in the world around us.

Question: Without capturing anyone or anything? Without threatening anyone?

Answer: No, those who capture usually lose.

Question: Do we defeat ourselves with this?

Answer: Yes, victory is a victory over oneself.

Question: Can we say that every moment in life is a fight?

Answer: Yes.

Question: You once said that every day, every moment, should be spent as if it were the last.

Answer: Yes. A person should be aware of how long he has to live, whether he will live to the end of the day or not. What will happen if he does not live; with what calculation he will leave this world? That is the way you have to live.

Comment: Usually a person does not ask such a question.

My Response: But it is not clear why. After all, for all of us there is the beginning of the day and the end of the day. So why can’t there be a beginning of life and an end of life.

Question: Now, in a moment? Do I really have to keep this up all the time? It’s impossible to live like this!

Answer: On the contrary, it is very good.

Question: I should think about what I will do because at the end of the day it is not known what will happen to me?

Answer: Yes, everyone can do it. You just need to train a person to look at it normally, and then he can do a lot of useful things in his life.

Question: And what conclusions do you think he will draw then: How am I going to live this day if it’s going to be my last?

Answer: Think about your attitude to everyone, to the world in such a way as to leave a good impression of yourself in the world.

Question: What does a good impression mean to the world?

Answer: To do as much good in the world as possible.

Question: What is the benefit to the world?

Answer: The benefit to the world is the good connection between people that remains after you.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/4/24

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