Identical Objects—Different Perceptions

928Question: It is said that spiritual phenomena change according to the state a person is in, and a person experiences a different form each time according to his or her imagination and sensory organs. We are developing the sixth sensory organ, which according to sensations is also divided into five parts. Is this why we perceive spiritual phenomena and objects differently?

Answer: We are all created in a common likeness and we have the same senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Nevertheless, they give their unique reflection and their perception for each person.

Let us say you put a candy in your mouth and you describe what it is like: sweet, pleasant, invigorating, and so on. But I do not understand this because this is only possible if I can feel the same perception of this candy in my sensory organs.

We have no other way to compare the sensations of one person with the sensations of another.

Therefore, it is said that everything we attain, that is, that we receive and reveal, happens only in relation to our properties.

Question: At the same time, the great Kabbalists, who were in a state of attainment, perceived spiritual objects and phenomena in the same way. Does it mean that we will never reach the same feeling that the Kabbalists reached?

Answer: While we are each in our own perception, yes. But as we develop, we will begin to understand the limitations of our receiving, we will begin to develop our feelings more and more, and thus we will become closer and understand each other more.

When this will happen is difficult to say. In the future, we will reach a state where our feelings will be equal and we will have exactly the same perceptions.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “All the Worlds”

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