Eyes of Holiness

961.2This is the meaning of “your eyes are as doves.” Eynaim [eyes] of Kedusha [holiness], called Eynaim of the Shechina [Divinity], are Yonim [doves]. They deceive us and we think that she has no Eynaim, as it is written in The Zohar, “A fair maiden who has no eyes” (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 28, “I Shall Not Die but Live”).

The eyes of holiness are the precise, pure attitude of the Creator toward creation. Next to it, there are other degrees. Based on the degrees one merits to reach, he looks at what is happening to him, to the world, and the Creator.

Question: Why does it say the eyes of the Holy Shechina deceive us?

Answer: Because we do not actually see them. Shechina without eyes is faith above reason.

Question: It follows that until we come to bestowal or reveal the Shechina, we are blind and do not see the truth. How can we find the way? How will it be shown to us?

Answer: Only through the connection between you. If you want to unite and reveal the Creator in your unity, you will succeed.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/26/24, Writngs of Baal HaSulam “I Shall Not Die but Live”

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Covenant Of The Eyes
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